Everything ingenious is simple!

Everything ingenious is simple!Photos from open sources

Orthodox medicine, according to Professor I.P. Neumyvakin – doctors who have been monitoring the health of Russian for decades astronauts focused on sick people, while popular – on the healthy. Catch the difference?

It is no coincidence that modern doctors even try to cure the patient write better and more expensive, although pharmacies have analogues domestic cheaper drugs. Firstly, it proves close adhesion of modern medicine with pharmaceutical octopus, asphyxiating in their greedy embrace of anyone who comes in contact with him, and secondly, once again shows that for the doctor is most important his financial interest than your health.

Professor Neumyvakin wrote and published dozens of books in which tells how to be treated with the simplest and available drugs, such as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy, three percent). By the way, are these pennies, however in their therapeutic and prophylactic impact on the human body can not be compared with them one modern medicine, even the coolest, expensive and advertised.

In the proposed video, Professor Neumyvakin talks about therapeutic effect on the human body of hydrogen peroxide. For example, for the prevention of all diseases (increase immunity!) daily enough on an empty stomach (half an hour before taking food) drink clean water, which is added ten to fifteen drops of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water (200 milliliters).

There are problems with the nose, throat, in women – with the genitals (for example, uterine erosion), take a teaspoon of a third glass of water hydrogen peroxide, and this solution is instilled into the nose, we will douche it etc. And all the sores – as the wind blows.

Photo from open sources

In the proposed conversation with N. Neumyvakin about health problems, about how to deal with the most terrible ailments with the help of the simplest means, you will learn a lot of interesting, even sensational. For example, conventional baking soda can easily treat cancer (and everyone needs soda cancer prevention perform without fail, especially since it is so simple). Via hydrogen peroxide quickly restores lost immunity. By the way, do you know where in our body this mysterious immunity? Even experienced doctors and doctors of science from of medicine, Professor Neumyvakin notes with irony, they begin to bear such nonsense when you ask them about it, that you are amazed. And with this they want to cure someone from something, writing out expensive and completely useless (or rather, very harmful) medicines, thereby taking the last money from the patient and last health.

And all ingenious is simple! Today we are considering one of the most simple and effective drugs – peroxide hydrogen. But there are other useful tips like this on our site. kind from the professor of cosmonautics Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin. Not miss the chance to be healthy – it’s so easy!

Water Health

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