Exposure to gas or alien experiments: mystic road steals drivers memories

A photo from open sources

Several drivers driving a certain stretch of highway in Argentina, it was reported that they experienced a strange feeling: people got into zone where “time is missing”. 35-kilometer stretch of road between the cities of Lonquimay and Anguil again attracted the attention of local residents: several drivers who overcame this part of the highway, talked about their strange feelings. For the first time about a mysterious road started talking ten years ago when in the city Longkimai appeared a man who could not understand where he is. A driver with a puzzled expression stopped at the station maintenance and asked the workers what the name of the place where he I arrived. STO employees interested in his condition we wondered what happened on the way. The man said that I felt fine and watched the road, and then suddenly turned out to be near the station. Moreover, the memories of how he did a great a segment of the path, the driver was completely absent. About this incident the residents of Longkimai still gossiped for a long time, but such cases repeated and discussion of the mysterious road gradually has stopped. However, recently several drivers arrived in settlement, talked about strange events that occurred with them on the unfortunate stretch of highway. “We drove along route number 5, like were suddenly disoriented, that is, completely lost ability to navigate. A few minutes later we woke up and realized that they covered several kilometers, but not at all remember how it happened, ”said Joel, who was driving vehicle. Another case was told about a similar case. a person who fell into the anomalous zone, where, according to drivers, “No time”. All disoriented people were on route number 5 at different times of the day. Paranormal researchers phenomena have already published an announcement in the local newspaper: “In connection with frequent cases of anomalies on the highway, please all who became a participant in unexplained phenomena, contact our center”. Locals scared by stories of disoriented drivers disapprovingly speak of a mysterious road. Some argue that this is the effect of gas on people’s minds, others are sure – aliens abduct earthlings to spend their experiments.

Anna Romantseva


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