Extreme Colin O’ Brady getting ready to cross Antarctica alone

Extreme Colin O’Brady is getting ready to cross Antarctica aloneA photo from open sources

Moreover, this is not just the bravado of the 33-year-old American extreme for advertising, Colin O’ Brady has already started seriously prepare for this dangerous journey. At least he is now knows exactly what he will need to implement such risky plan and how long it will take.

Immediately emphasize that the whole highlight is that Colin O’Brady decided to overcome a thousand miles of deserted ice desert without any kind of support. Of course, such daredevils were earlier, but they usually gave up and asked for help, in the worst case is just dying.

Colin O’ Brady is determined to be the first to overcome Antarctica alone. According to him, for such a transition to him it will take 70 days – it will take about 14 miles to day. To this end, the extreme takes only 220 pounds food and 400 pounds of warm equipment, plus two camcorders, GPS tracker, multiple mobile devices and chargers solar-powered devices – and not a single extra gram (all calculated to the last detail).

A photo from open sources

Note that for this brave American climber and traveler, such extreme events are not the first time. So, in June-July of this year, he climbed fifty the coolest peaks of the United States – and very successful. So many of his fans there is no doubt that Colin O’Brady will not be able to complete your crazy Antarctic idea, not to mention that changes his mind …


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