Photo from open sources
Dubai City United Arab Emirates constantly attracts the attention of the world community and journalists one way or another an event, since this metropolis is actually not quite ordinary, characterized, for example, by amazing architecture and a whole galaxy high-rise buildings.
It is for this reason that the Dream Jump team chose this city for your extreme idea – skydiving from the highest buildings in the world. They became the famous Princess Tower, whose height slightly exceeds four hundred meters. For comparison, the famous Eiffel the tower in Paris is only three hundred meters high.
Extreme jumps from the tallest building in the world attracted there are many who wish, therefore, in just a few days such an amazing show in the air with Princess Tower jumped in a total of five hundred and fifty daredevils. Event is not accidentally, one of the journalists called it that way – a show in the air, as extreme sportsmen jumping from a high-rise building do not just demonstrated their courage, they also did all sorts of difficult tricks in flight. It was quite spectacular and it was actually like some kind of bright spectacular show or skydiving techniques, whether “professional insanity. ”
Visit Dubai and jump from the Princess Tower – what could be more beautiful, say the participants of this show themselves! And these words are hard don’t believe it …