Facebook users risk getting sick doggy style

Facebook users run the risk of getting cancerPhoto from open sources

About this writes the scientific journal Journal of Social Psychology, publishing research by a team of scientists led by Eric Vanman (Eric Wanman). Researchers have come to an amazing conclusion: even 5-day Facebook opt-out can dramatically reduce blood levels of cortisol – the strongest stress hormone, which provokes the development and progression such a terrible disease of our century, like cancer.

We will not go into a detailed description of what cortisol is. (hydrocortisone), detailed information about this hormone is possible without labor to find on the Internet or to get acquainted with free a digest of the aforementioned journal article on Psypost.org. Suffice it to say that Eric Vanman was an active user. Facebook for 10 years. But once he and his colleagues work accidentally noticed that the loss of this social network by other reasons for a few days leads to the fact that a person begins to feel much better.

This led scientists to study this interesting phenomena. They conducted an experiment inviting them to participate. volunteers are active Facebook users. Dividing the subjects into two groups, scientists asked one of them not to use 5 days favorite social network, while not leaving the Internet and everyone his other lures. The second group of volunteers did not change anything in their preferences, including addiction to Facebook.

Billions are sitting on Facebook and other social networks today people

To the greatest amazement of researchers, as it borders on scientific discovery, even such a short-term rejection of Facebook led to the fact that the participants in the experiment felt that they satisfaction with life appeared, mood rose, feeling left loneliness, there were other positive changes in psychological plan.

But the shock for scientists was completely different: in 5 days, those who abandoned Facebook, cortisol levels dropped sharply in the blood, while time as members of another group who continued to sit in social network, showed a previous, fairly high level this insidious stress hormone.

A photo from open sources

Eric Vanman and his science team (Stephanie Tobin and Rosemary Baker) warn readers that their discovery, despite its fantastic results, can not yet be considered strictly scientific. For obtaining a complete and extremely reliable picture of influence Facebook on the human body, you need to spend longer and longer large-scale studies with deep biochemical analyzes. More Moreover, it should be included in such an experiment, for example, Twitter and other popular social networks of the Internet.

However, in general, even superficial observation of oneself and conducting a little experiment, says Eric Vanman, show that social networks negatively affect the body a person, undermining his health and provoking the development of cancer. Can, for this reason, recently in the world there has been such a sharp cancer growth and literally horrific rates mortality from this disease. After all, in popular social networks today billions of people are “sitting” …


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