Fall of meteorites and the invasion of polar owls portends us something unkind

The fall of meteorites and the invasion of polar owls portends the United States something unkindA photo from open sources

The United States continues to have a fever after supposedly erroneous missile strike alarm in the state of Hawaii. Firstly, immediately for this, for some reason, the country’s military aviation intensified, lifting hundreds of planes into the air, which, apparently, have become comb the Atlantic coast in search of either that mythical the submarine with which the missile was launched, or with some another goal: so far we can only make guesses about this.

Meteorite Fall in America – True or Not

At the same time, something strange happens in general in the sky over the USA, because at first the Americans were scared by a strange meteorite, which fell in Michigan on January 17 (see video).

He was strange for several reasons:

  • its fall as if “watched” beating from the earth light Ray;
  • immediately from the nearest military bases in the air many F-16 fighters: not very characteristic reaction to the fall ordinary cosmic body;
  • before the meteorite falls about some mysterious event of this days warned by hackers A Anon;
  • a meteorite was not the only, as it turned out, detector LIVEMETEORS.com, located in the capital of the District of Columbia, recorded crazy activity of meteorites, and all of them fell in the North Atlantic with the same radar track that contrary to all logic.

Bright meteors continue to fall over the United States so far, and now they are seen by residents of the states of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Chicago, Toledo. People are simply amazed at the brightness of the falling bodies, which everything else also flashes greenish-blue hues.

Neither NASA, nor meteorologists, nor even the military comment on all these strange events, as if in America there is no newspapers, no television. And only on the Internet the Internet conspiracy theorists put forward their theories of what happened:

  • perhaps a large asteroid is approaching Earth, precursors which were today’s meteorites. At the same time, NASA and the same ESA they are silent so as not to cause panic among Americans;
  • it is also possible that in near-Earth space space war and from there fall, most likely, downed military satellites. The version, of course, is fantastic, almost insane, however she well explains the mysterious thundering heavenly sounds, registered around the world, like the strange activity of the US military in the last week. It’s just not clear why the “mysterious” meteors only fall over the United States?

The invasion of polar owls

However, not only a strange meteor shower hit the USA, for some reason caused a real panic among the military and government structures, followed by the invasion of polar white owls that live in the arctic tundra, avoiding even the slightest contact with a person. Now they are literally attacking Detroit. Ornithologists are simply at a loss, while simply limiting themselves to tips to watch out for these predators that can easily attack person. But what brought them to the city?

A photo from open sources

While scientists speculate (there was a failure in the electromagnetic the field of the planet, according to which birds are oriented, the invasion began rodents followed by owls), “experienced” indicate that this bird, according to popular beliefs, is definitely not good, but if it flies behind hordes of rodents, then it’s generally carcasses light, because such invasions happen only before the war, a terrible epidemic and other big disasters.

So Americans today have something to think about, and first of all the line, as conspiracy theorists say, is that the Deep the state, as it was already September 11, 2001, is preparing again a terrible crime against his people, in order to have an occasion to unleash the Third World War. Like these tireless and all knowledgeable researchers link so strange, but not very similar events, it’s not clear, but the alarm about a missile strike in Hawaii somewhat explains (or at least orientates) why all the strings still drawn to the Illuminati …

NASA War Birds USA

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