A photo from open sources
This unique therapeutic drug called “ASD – 2 fraction” (Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant) that can cure even AIDS and cancer, not to mention many other less serious diseases, created by a scientist of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine A.V.Dorogov more than seventy years ago.
However, in that socialist (quite humane, relatively, of course) the period of Russian history, the leadership of the USSR �saw in the ASD a danger to the country’s economy, since the introduction this drug into the practice of treating people, according to Beria (what he I immediately reported to Stalin), would lead to a reduction in medical staff, increase the life expectancy of the non-working population. And this in turn, it would create serious problems in the pension and housing stocks, not to mention the food issue and many others who faced the leadership of the Soviet Union with in all seriousness.
The drug ASD is not a medicine in the full sense of the word, it is not treats some particular organ, it just restores the human immune system, ensuring correct and clear work all its organs and cells. That is, ASD can be used for any diseases and even for prevention, he does not enter into a contradiction with any other medicine (you can take in parallel, if you are already being treated for something). And what’s important – completely harmless and has no side effects.
Today, this drug can only be bought at a veterinary pharmacy, since it is allowed only for the treatment of animals. However some people have been using it for a long time as a folk remedy from all diseases. It helps especially with housing and communal services problems, skin diseases (even treats psoriasis), and so on. By the way with skin diseases in parallel with the drug “ASD – 2 fraction”, which is used inside, you can use “ASD – 3 fraction” for external use.
True ASD has one unpleasant quality – it has very a specific smell, somewhat similar to rotten eggs (perception in each person, of course, is different). This “fragrance” deodorize simply impossible because otherwise antiseptic stimulant loses its magical properties. However when it is about the life and death of a person, an unpleasant smell can not even to take into account. Although many people use ASD simply for preventive purposes, and they say that to its bad smell you can easily get used to it and not really notice it.
There is a lot of information about this drug on the Internet, so do not let’s rewrite all this, the task of this article is only to push readers to understand that there is inexpensive (compared to most modern medicines, especially imported ones, are almost free) and a very effective drug for many diseases. Just do not rank it as a panacea for all diseases, since there are ailments of karmic, incurable, or, let’s say, curable only through repentance and spiritual perfection, than through drugs, even the best. However, any information in including this one, comes to a person not by chance, but because it is possible that you or your loved ones need salvation, let’s say from the same cancer or to avoid surgical intervention, which for the most part gives little to health.
How and by how much to take the drug
You need to get better ASD Armavir Biological Factory (see photo below) with a branded cap and a special barcode, which protect you from fake.
A photo from open sources
On the jar, remove the gray cap with the imprint of the trademark. Under it will be a rubber stopper in an aluminum rim and a small open circle on an elastic band to insert a syringe needle. We buy a syringe 2 cubes (there are also insulin cubes on one cube, but they are different, then you need to take one where the needle is pulled out). Required shake the vial (before each use), pierce with a syringe rubber plug, pick up the right amount of ASD (read below how and how much to drink), take out the syringe without a needle (let it remain in rubber stopper), immediately lower it into a cup of cold boiled water – about 100-150 grams, quickly release, we return the syringe to the needle (even if it is there, it will not allow air entering the bubble is harmful to the medicine). And water with ASD shake a little and drink. Then a bubble sticking out in it put the syringe in a black bag and put it in the pantry (anywhere, so that it is dark and not lower than 10 degrees Celsius – in the refrigerator impossible).
Drink ASD on an empty stomach (at least two hours after eating and at least than an hour before meals). In the morning we got up and drank, in an hour you can breakfast. In the evening before dinner, they drank for an hour. Total – twice a day (this is the optimal scheme for many diseases, with some other diseases have other schemes – look for them on the Web).
You can start with half a cube (half a milliliter, 0.5 cc). First we drink 5 days a half cubic – 2 days rest (convenient to start with Monday, so you don’t drink at the weekend, you won’t get confused). A then go to the cube (1 milliliter, 1 cc) and drink as before scheme – we drink 5 days, 2 rest. And so you can drink constantly, by at least until you recover (in a couple of months you can go inspection in the clinic).
By the way, do not forget to shake each time before use bubble! And it’s very important: you need to drink a lot while taking ASD water, at least 2 liters per day, since the medicine is several thickens blood, and toxins will go, and they need to be washed out of something organism. At worst, drink tea with lemon, a tablet aspirin per day also helps. And finally, in no case should drink alcohol at this time, meat consumption should also be reduced to to a minimum …
Water Time Life of the USSR �