A photo from open sources
Scientists have discovered a huge hole in Antarctica, and its size literally amaze the imagination – they are commensurate, for example, with area of the Leningrad region.
Here’s an opinion on this from a professor at the University of Toronto Kent Moore, whom he shared with Vice Publishers:
This failure in the ice of Antarctica is so fantastic that in it’s even hard to believe. Imagine someone is omnipotent punched a hole in a huge thickness of ice. Usually something like formed in open waters surrounded by for other reasons, ice, and such formations are called wormwood. Such wormwoods are easily formed, for example, in coastal areas of this ice continent. However, the current “wormwood” is deep in the ice (hundreds of kilometers from the nearest edge), and therefore until the process of its appearance in this place is completely understood. If if it weren’t for satellite images, it would be hard to notice this hole, despite its enormous size – within the boundless ice Antarctica is still a small dark spot.
A photo from open sources
As scientists have already calculated, the area of this hole is more than eighty thousand square kilometers. As it turned out, something researchers of Antarctica described similar in the seventies last century, however, they did not have the necessary tools for studying this phenomenon, and therefore left everything as it is – and almost forgot about it.
Some ecologists immediately put forward the theory that a hole in the ice Antarctica was formed due to global warming. However in last century, there was no question of a serious climate change on the planet, and, apparently, such “internal wormwoods” formed here and then. For progressive scientists, it’s more important now to find out the reasons. the appearance of the hole, and to determine whether it will have an impact on the oceans. Perhaps, says Kent Moore, an accurate understanding of the education process. such “thawed” will allow you to find answers to many questions about today’s global climate change …