Fat people live longer and less susceptible stress

According to a recent study at the University Göttingen, one in four German residents is overweight. Such people have always been considered unattractive with a high risk. the development of life-threatening diseases. Photos from open sources Now scientists have found that complete people are more resistant to stress and therefore live longer if they are not obese. On the one hand, it is means that overweight people are more prone to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, scientists say that fullness is a healthy way to deal with stress. Doctors talk about the “weight paradox.” Achim Peters, a neuroscientist from University of Lübeck, and stress researcher Bruce McAven from Rockefeller University in New York invited 20 students with normal weight and 20 overweight students for an interview and math test. Thin students increased significantly blood cortisol level, full participants did not respond to stress tests, and their levels of cortisol in the blood remained the same. Cortisol is a hormone in the body that relieves stress and produced in the body with obesity. Why do fat people in stress situations produce less cortisol than thin ones remains unclear. “Obesity is not as dangerous as we always thought,” Says Ingrid Mühlheiser, a research fellow involved health issues at the University of Hamburg. Development risk diabetes and heart problems should be taken into account, believes Mühlheiser. But overweight people have more reserves and increased cholesterol – the LDL responsible for toxic binding metabolic products may be a protective factor. Mulhäuser conducted a study in 2009 that proves that overweight people live longer. And also, in accordance with a study by US nephrologists, noted that in 1999 the skinny patients suffering from kidney disease died earlier than patients with overweight. The same thing was observed in cases of sepsis, cancer, stroke, and even rheumatism. Highest duration Mühlbhäuser study found in people with an index of life body weight (BMI) 27 (about 80 kilograms at a height of 170 centimeters). BMI is a measure of human body weight. it the value that everyone can calculate shows whether body weight in the range of excess, normal or insufficient weight. So far, doctors have been unanimous: the perfect BMI for men from 20 to 25 and for women from 19 to 24. If the results are taken into account ideal weight paradox studies will become obsolete.

A life

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