Fata Morgana over the Ukok Plateau. What riddles are hidden sacred places of Russia

A photo from open sources

“A people that does not know its roots is not worthy of the future,” ancient wisdom says. There are places on the map of our homeland in which breathes, and lives differently. These places are connected first queue with various historical events. Do you know to For example, what is the famous Chardon archipelago in Karelia? What are the secrets in addition to nuclear, stores the ancient city of Sarov in Nizhny Novgorod? What kind Secrets hides the Black Bush mountain in Southern Primorye? Where did you come from winding labyrinths, huge dolmens and bizarre seids on the shores of the White and Baltic seas? Archaeologists dig out all new amazing monuments. Many of these finds have already entered called the Cadastre of Sacred Places of Russia. And deals with these monuments quite a young science – sacred geography. About many things she can tell. But other riddles cannot be guessed, therefore what are among them those over which humanity is fighting with the moment of its occurrence. This topic has another side. medals: some dig up, and others these sacred territories bury. Mounds, pyramids, tombs and battlefields destroyed in the most cynical way. How not to remember here construction of an oil pipeline in the Stavropol Territory: on the path of builders suddenly more than 600 ancient barrows appeared. Archaeologists barely saved from excavator bucket burial “Sarmatian princess”. A the construction of cottages on the battlefield in Borodino? This building also barely stopped. Today another sacred place is at stake Of Russia – the beautiful Ukok Plateau in the Altai Mountains, a World UNESCO heritage. Pigeon book: why are you conceived princes of the boyars? Many ancient civilizations often wondered the question is: where did we come from? Where does our history and culture come from? Legends say: our ancestors “at hand” was the so-called Pigeon book (or rather, the Deep). This is a folk spiritual verse in questions and answers containing information about the origin of the world, people, classes, geographic, natural and scientific information. She revealed secret knowledge about the origin of the world, natural and social, about its essence, about the appearance of good and evil. Other in words, contained “all the wisdom of the universe.” Book began with the introduction: “In the city of Jerusalem from a cloud from heaven a book of enormous size falls out, to which no one dares to begin. “The main part contains a few burning issues. “Why did the white light conceive in us? Why red sun conceived? Why did the kings go to our land? From what conceived princes of the boyars? “Questions, as we see, really burning: for we still do not know the answers to them. Bathhouse in the medieval settlement there are sacred places and Stavropol Territory. One of them is the ancient pyramid near Ipatovo. It was here that during the construction of the pipeline the mound was excavated, in who discovered the burial of a young noble woman. She was called “Ipatovo Princess.” Massive neck and arms of the princess gold items. Next to the mummy was a vessel inlaid in gold. Archaeologists have found that burial refers to the period Sarmatian culture (III century BC). Similar mounds like defines the “Cadastre of Sacred Places of Russia”, in the Stavropol Territory a lot. All of them are considered by archaeologists. But during the construction of these monuments are not always taken into account. Some of them continue to destroy, despite the fact that such objects seem to be under protection state. Fresh case in the city of Budennovsk: on the territory medieval fortification, in the trade and craft quarter, a certain the businessman took and dug a huge pit under the pond and bathhouse. He was spit on an ancient monument. Recently in the village of Vorovskoleska some “treasure hunters” thoroughly destroyed the ancient mound and sneaked inside in search of prey. Why are these monuments so bad are protected? And whether they will save them from plunder “Cadastre of the Sacred places “? Arintsy and the Great Poloz In Siberia and the Urals, too many sacred places. And they are primarily associated with the famous a fabulous character – the Great Snake. XVIII century historian Gerard Miller in his essay “Description of the Siberian Kingdom” reports Arintsy – the people who lived on the banks of the Yenisei. Arinians honored the great the snake. The inhabitants of one of the settlements, according to Miller, died precisely because of the massive invasion of large snakes, among which “one It was of extraordinary size, with a large head and a shiny body, like gold “(a similar mythical story about the struggle of the Scythians with snakes recorded in the history of Herodotus. This golden snake was popularly called “yalpin uy.” Famous Russian storyteller Pavel Bazhov in his tales “About the Great Snake”, “Snake Trail”, “The Old Mine” has a lot talks about this snake. As Bazhov, living in the Urals, wrote considered a huge snake master of gold, which “alone facilitated access to gold, indicated places and even “let down gold”, others drove away, scared or even killed. “Since the 19th century, the snake was met on the territory of Perm, Sverdlovsk regions, in the Khanty-Mansiysk district. In the 19th century, north of Chelyabinsk, a myriad of encounters with a giant snake. It could have been explain by the fact that in the north of the region there were many lakes and swamps. But with population growth, industry growth and deterioration ecological situation “Yalpin uy” completely disappeared. But these places in the Urals, they are still considered sacred. It turns out, in many ways thanks to the brilliant pen of the storyteller Pavel Bazhov. From the dossier “AN” Miller Gerard Friedrich (1705–1783) – Russian historian, Academician, German by descent. In the years 1733-1743. participated in expeditions to study Siberia. Gathered a collection of historical documents (the so-called Miller’s portfolios). “Titanic” on the lake Baikal Now from the Urals we are transported to another, no less wonderful a place. Lake Baikal is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious in Of Russia. Recall that Baikal is also included in the list of the World UNESCO heritage. And then real miracles happen. Fishermen they tell how often they see over Baikal … ancient castles, vintage ships and trains. Scientists call such phenomena mirages. But anyhow where mirages are “not found.” – On Baikal ideal conditions for occurrence of mirages, – says the doctor of geographical sciences Vladimir Drozdov. – Streams of warm air over chilled water in summer, clear atmosphere and severe frosts with immovable air in the winter. In air layers with different densities, light rays they are refracted, distorted and acquired wrong, fantastic forms. A cyclist at dusk may seem sitting down By Boeing, a fishing longboat may appear in the image of a soaring above Titanic water. How can you not recall the world classics and mirages, which not only writers, but also sailors call the Fata Morgan ( there are optical illusions). They got their name in honor of the heroine Epic Fata (Fairies) Morgana. A proud young man rejected this poor girl. named Lancelot. Fata Morgana grief settled in a crystal palace at the bottom of the sea. Since then, she has been tricking seafarers with ghostly visions. Among the most mysterious – the image of the sailing ship “Flying Dutchman. “According to rumors, he is still met by sailors. Something similar is seen by fishermen on Lake Baikal. Baikal explorer Vladimir Lamakin in his book “On the shores and islands of Lake Baikal” described a night mirage opposite the village of Bolshoy Goloustnoye: “On the eve of … a strong southwest wind called a kultuk blew. The night stood out very dark. Stepping on deck, I saw a striking sight: very close, a passenger was passing over the lake train (actually the train was on the opposite bank Baikal at a distance of 50 km). The ghost train was going completely soundlessly. Black night and silence emphasized mystery phenomena. Only the illuminated windows were clearly distinguished. “Babylon on the White Sea In the north of Russia are mysterious labyrinths. This is another of the sacred mysteries of Russia. In fact, there are mazes and in Britain, Sweden, Norway, Finland. And with us – on the coasts Baltic, Barents and White Seas. Total number of northern labyrinths exceeds 500. Of these, about 300 are located in Sweden, Finland – almost 140. On the shores of the White Sea, archaeologists have found about 40 mazes. More than 30 – on the Solovetsky Islands. Some monuments found in the Murmansk region near Kandalaksha. In the north Russian labyrinths were called Babylon everywhere, which reflected them intricate device. There are several legends explaining the origin of the labyrinths. The inhabitants of Kandalaksha also have it. it the legend dates back to the time of Emelyan Pugachev. We read in the old manuscripts: “Why is there Babylon here? But for example, to be seen … They put it when Pugachev was still there, to the will, – different people fled here, after they caught Pugach, they laid it out. ” And the emergence of labyrinths on the Solovetsky Islands is associated with in the name of Peter the Great. The first mention is found in archimandrite Dosifei, who made a description of the monastery: “On the island of Zayatsky, near which stood the Russian fleet, was ordered by the Emperor Peter the Great to build a wooden church in the name of St. Andrew Also not far from this church was laid out on the ground in two rows of cobblestone Babylon stones. “Archaeologists are discovering new Babylon mazes. And it seems that there are much more than 50 of them … Seydi – flying stones Another sacred mystery of the Russian North – huge walking stones are seids. Some expeditions have observed a unique the phenomenon of spontaneous movement or inversion giant stones. Geologists re-visiting the Seydi Plateau in Lovozersky mountains (Murmansk region), discovered: some Seydi are in other places. But traces of any movement are absent! Involuntarily recalled Sami legends of the sacred seids – flying stones. Famous ethnographer Vladimir Charnolusky the whole North called the Land of the Flying Stone. – Indeed, there is a phenomenon of the so-called walking stones, – confirms opinion of the ethnographer of Charnolusky archaeologist Cyril Veselago. – fact the ability to move huge stones mysteriously does not leave indifferent physicists for many years. Do scientists guess this riddle? EU: present an archaeological map conclusion? Russia is a rich country, and it is rich not only in natural fossils. We have a rich history, but we are slowly this we are losing history. We neglect ancient monuments architecture. Pipeline construction becomes more important than preservation of the ancient mound, and the gas pipeline – more important than the reserved places in the mountains of Altai! By the way, the civilized world is shaking over each of its even the tiniest monument. And for entry into The European Union must be completed (for example, Poland received such a task) one of the conditions: to have an archaeological map of a country on a scale of 1: 500. Poland presented such a card. Do we have such a card? Russia also as if claims to be a civilized state. It’s as clear as day: preserving the monuments of the past is way of self-preservation of the people. Ivanes who do not remember kinship will be live like natives in a colony. By the way, it warns about this and Pigeon book. Arkaim: Ancient Observatory – About our ancient ancestors tried to solve many puzzles, says one from recently excavated sacred places in Russia, says AN archaeologist Cyril Veselago. – This is the ancient settlement of Arkaim (Chelyabinsk region). The find of Arkaim in the south of the Urals became the largest archaeological sensation on the threshold of the 21st century. Arkaim older than the Egyptian pyramids. This unusual settlement was at the same time as a temple, and a fortress, and a craft center, and the most accurate astronomical observatory. Archaeologists found in Arkaim evidence of highly developed metallurgy and metalworking. Arkaim already in those days was an environmentally friendly city with a system water filtration and other treatment facilities. Ancient settlement had efficient recycling and recycling methods use of garbage. It lived in harmony with nature. To all other things, Arkaim had a ring structure and was clearly oriented by stars: ancient Aryan culture gave astrology a great deal value. But about 4 thousand years ago, residents for unknown reasons left the city. Sacred Geography Continues to Study the Phenomenon Arkaima. Erzya Tree Similar ethnographic map. amounted to Diveyevsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region. These places knows all of Russia: much in the Diveevo region is associated with the name the great ascetic Seraphim of Sarov. In the school of the village of Suvorovo The sacred cadastre was created by the students themselves. They decided systematize all the legends and epics. And the places here are really unusual. For example, boulders that are said to have grown from little stones dropped by the Monk Seraphim from his pocket. These places preserve the memory of the ancient Mordovian culture: nearby from the city of Diveevo grows Chrevatovsky elm. This is a cult tree Erzya people with ancient history. Suvorov School, which became ethnocultural center of the village, received on its sacred developments 1 million rubles in the framework of the national project “Education”. Many legends goes about the city of Sarov, which is located near the village Diveevo. In its place was once the royal city of Golden Hordes. And they called him Saraklych. Translated from Turkic – “gold saber “. For 90 years, Saraklych was the capital. And after the last the ruler, Prince Behan, left him, the city fell into desolation. Later, the famous Sarov Monastery appeared in these places. Sarov still presents gifts to archaeologists: recently in the city center unearthed a necropolis. How To Save The Ukok Danger Hovering Over Ukok Plateau in Altai. Then it was decided to build a gas pipeline to China. The construction of the highway will take place on protected, unique places along the Chuysky tract: these are pristine mountains, clear rivers and relic taiga. But why the most “promising corridor” did you choose Ukok for the construction of this highway? Social activists and environmentalists oppose the construction of the pipeline. Representatives 42 public and environmental organizations sent open letter to Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin with a request to work out alternatives for laying a gas pipeline. Authors of the letter note: the Ukok plateau contains many ancient archaeological sites. In 1993, archaeologists discovered on a plateau Ancient mound with the mummy of a young woman. Find – more than 2.5 thousand years. This is one of the most important discoveries of recent times in archeology. Indigenous Altai consider the mummy their ancestor. And they call her “Altai Princess.” In 1998, Ukok, recall entered the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. But the bulldozers are about to show up on Ukok. Meanwhile, in Gorno-Altaysk started compiling ethnographic maps areas where all sacred places will be included. the main task the beginning of the development of ethnocards – preservation of sacredness ancient Altai Mountains. This will be taken into account when drawing up tourism development programs, which is becoming one of the main sectors of the economy of the republic. All will be printed on ethnocards places of worship of Altai people to the sacred Altai, the spirits of mountains and rivers These are healing springs – arzhaan-suu, forbidden peaks, ancient burial places, mountain passes, stone sculptures of kesers (warriors). Ethnographic maps of districts and the whole republic will become basis for the adoption of regulatory acts on the protection of the sacred seats and possibly amending the Constitution Republic of Altai. Then maybe the Ukok will be left alone?

Altai Arkaim Water Time Snakes Stones Mummies Lake Baikal Peru Pyramids Poland Russia Siberia Titanic

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