Photos from open sources In the Indian city of Rajur, law enforcement officers fired very unusual arrest. Police arrested a parrot nicknamed Harial, abusing profanity.
An eighty-five-year-old resident of the city who visited her stepson Suresh, to whom the bird belongs, was forced every time listen from the parrot the most selective abuse. Finally, pensioner tired of this attitude to her person and she I asked the police to help her. Staff law enforcement took the complaint seriously and brought Suresh with the pet to the station. True, during Harial did not utter a word that he didn’t allowed to prove his guilt.
However, law enforcement officers still decided to believe the woman venerable age at word and sent Suresh home without a pet. A foul-mouthed parrot was handed over to the local forest department farms for re-education.
Note that this is not the first case of bird arrest in India. In May this year, Indian police officers detained a dove, flown over the Pakistani border. The pigeon had on his paw an incomprehensible electronic device that was mistaken for a bug, and a note. The police considered the bird a Pakistani spy and put her in a cage. Most likely, the pigeon is still located under arrest because the Indians do not want him to return to homeland to the owners.
India birds