Fire wall paradox closed

The fire wall paradox is closedA photo from open sources

You already know this: Stephen Hawking thought it was the best solution. the “fire wall” paradox of the assumption that the black hole (BH) there is no real event horizon and only apparent a horizon that is not – unlike a traditional black hole – eternal.

Well, in January p. the solution to the fire wall problem was not only offered to them. The work of Sabina Hossenfelder (Sabine Hossenfelder) from the Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics (Sweden) claims that there is no such paradox, and therefore modifications classical notions of BH to some extent not quite justified. To fully understand the present, you often need to return into the past, and the depths of the first and second actions are sometimes right proportional: this time in the past you have to go at least for forty years. When the idea of ​​an event horizon loomed overhead scientists, unpleasant questions began to arise. Here, for example: the horizon events (classic) is suppressed only in one direction, but this seems to run counter to thermodynamics! When striving temperature to absolute zero the entropy of the bodies of the system also tends to zero – therefore, absolute zero cannot be achieved in any the final process associated with a change in entropy: you will infinitely approach him by the asymptote, and only, by type Achilles catching up with a turtle. But if absolute zero is unattainable – means that all bodies must at least something radiate, somehow give even a little warm. However, the event horizon seems to be nothing does not give out, because even light cannot overcome it. Then – exactly forty years ago – Stephen Hawking put forward the idea so called Hawking radiation. To BH “start” to radiate, scientist used quantum mechanics: since we cannot know the exact the energy of the object at any time, it can seriously fluctuate, although its average value will be unchanged. Therefore about event horizon, the physicist reasoned at that time, a couple may appear particles (“from nothing”), and one particle from the pair will be caught inside horizon (dropping the BH mass by drop), while the other leaves the BH as radiation, taking with it a drop of its energy. Decision was elegant, but then no one knew that after 38 years from radiation Hawking, reconciled thermodynamics and BH, another born the essence is the paradox of the “fire wall”. The fact is that a pair of particles, born, so to speak, of the aforementioned quantum mechanical way, appeared “out of nothing”, being quantum confused, – which means the runaway of one particle and the retention of another such entanglement destroys. Quantum mechanically speaking, particles are born in pure (not mixed) state, and the event horizon is a pure state destroys. Photos from open sources

Quantum entanglement of particles appearing at the black horizon holes, creates a paradox of “fire wall” – but only if the entanglement between them will not disappear. (Here and below JPL illustrations / NASA.) The notes of sadness are especially intensified because if all this process of the appearance of Hawking radiation really tells about particles in a pure quantum state, then BH, firstly, cannot emit without mockery of thermodynamics, and secondly, if maybe then over the surface of the event horizon should extremely high energy particle flows are generated that destroy any body that enters. As we have said many times, in the second option to kill instead of thermodynamics must be given either general relativity, or quantum mechanics, although this unpleasant and contrary to the obvious successes of these areas in last decades. Caught up by Stephen Hawking decided to drive genie radiation named itself back into the bottle, suggesting that there is no fire wall because the event horizon catches nothing forever, and therefore a special need to escalate the situation with no radiation. But Sabina Hossenfelder shows us that Hawking radiation may well be born and not in a pure state. Such radiation, the researcher believes, is not formed due to the appearance of pairs of quantum entangled particles, and thanks to the appearance of … two pairs of entangled particles. Outwardly, there are no differences: Hawking radiation for an outside observer will be in any case (which will keep on floating thermodynamics). But – and this is the key point – instead of pure the state of particles to which radiation owes its existence, will be mixed, that is, one in which a complete set is not specified independent physical quantities that determine the state of the system, and there are only probabilities of finding the system in various quantum conditions. Since a pure quantum state does not arise, then its cannot be destroyed, namely, from its hypothetical destruction and the fiery paradox follows. Photos from open sources

What is the state of quantum coupled particles – pure or mixed? As Ms. Hossenfelder further shows, between particles of Hawking radiation emitted, say, 200 million years back, and today there is no entanglement that undermines the possibility that radiation particles are a case of pure quantum state. In the absence of quantum entanglement contradictions between the classical and quantum descriptions of events in BH horizons are smoothed out and the fire wall disappears (details about the role of involvement in building a wall, see here). So all satisfied: three potentially flawed groups of physical theories are intact, traditional black holes too. Hawking radiation is not is in a pure quantum state, there is no fire wall, There are no paradoxes. But what about Stephen Hawking himself and what he inflicted a quick blow to the event horizon which he “remade” from the eternal to the apparent, visible, doomed over time to disappear? I must say that there are many others moments that put pressure on physicists, forcing them to drift in side of the idea of ​​the timeless, seeming nature of the event horizon black holes. Therefore, Sabina Hossenfelder and notices what is a supporter of such ideas – but her thesis about the apparent nature BH event horizon was put forward four years ago (co-authored with Lee Smolin). Therefore, she states: “Hawking’s” work ” reality is just a record of his speech last year, a summary of his thoughts on the fire wall of black holes. And not one of I find neither wonderful nor outstanding these thoughts. Be him the work was laid out by someone else, no one would have noticed it. “In general, Mr. Hawking said nothing new, said Ms. Hossenfelder. A here we would not be so categorical: the sharpness of her reaction is largely due not so much to the fact that in the work of Stephen Hawking “no nothing new “(on arXiv constantly laid out purely overview work, and Mr. Hawking does not claim to be particularly novel here), how much the fact that his theses received powerful media coverage, while while the work of Sabina itself published in January by the press did not seen at all. However, it happens: few scientists are capable of it’s popular to present their results, and few of the “unlearned” (including even physics from another field) can quickly understand these the results yourself, and all this is hardly the fault of one “untwisted” by Stephen Hawking. Distracting from understandable with emotional assessment point of view “none of these thoughts I I find neither remarkable nor outstanding, “to summarize: a paradox “fire wall” really resolved without destroying the horizon events, but his alterations in the “apparent” is still to be expected even out of touch with this particular paradox. Just check the true nature of the horizon at the modern level of our opportunities aren’t possible yet: BH is far away, but human life is short, therefore, without further advances in black hole physics nor to confirm or refute the “eternity” of the event horizon is not it turns out … Photos from open sources

Although the fire wall does not threaten falling into a black hole, threats no one has canceled spaghettification with a fatal outcome. Alexander Berezin Prepared from various materials sources.

Time Stephen Hawking Black Hole

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