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British Department of Defense experts after consultations with scientists and engineers said: in the next 30 years, superpowers people will become a reality. Who will we turn into? Upgrade in secret The list of desired superpowers is quite extensive – the ability to quickly move through water or air, additional protection, increased attention, vision, hearing, stamina, expansion memory, the ability to process more information, do without eating and sleeping. All this is available only to comic book heroes, science fiction books and films. However, the hour is not far off much of this will come true. Recently, the American Foundation Greenwall, a researcher in bioethics, published a review report on quality improvement risks soldier. For good reason, Americans touched on the problems associated with army: topics of human upgrade from a professional point of view primarily interested in the military, trying to get invulnerable fighters. These issues have long been discussed at conferences organized by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency US Department of Defense (DARPA). But military development for the most part parts are hidden under the heading “secret”, however, the development of science and technological progress open up horizons of advancement superpowers in the civilian sphere. Man has already received certain superpowers. For example, the desire to fly on for several years it has been implemented with the help of wingsuits – special suits that allow you to soar in the air. However already Today, scientists understand what a person lacks so that he can fly without the use of special means. “Now there are several problems that prevent a person from flying: a large body mass and insufficient muscle strength and endurance, says a member Coordinating Council of the Russian Transhumanist Movement Danila Medvedev. – All fairly heavy parts of the body in humans can be facilitated. For example, reduce weight by replacing bones with carbon composite dentures that will be just as durable, but in ten times lighter. “Recently, Georgia Institute of Technology reported an unprecedented discovery. In his laboratories managed create artificial bones that can “grow together” with others body tissues, such as tendons and muscles. These fabrics created through genetic engineering: actually polymer the material was artificially crossed with skin cells. Muscle also can be replaced by artificial ones. Already there are analogues which are designed for robots, but essentially perform the same functions, like the muscles of a person or animal. Similar invention presented by researchers from the biomimetic laboratory (borrowing ideas from nature. – “Outcomes”) of the Auckland Institute of Bioengineering (New Zealand). In the future, muscles made from special materials will become 10 times lighter than natural, but twice more powerful. As a person becomes more and more artificial organs will have to create a separate, too artificial, power supply system. “And we solve this issue, – sure Danila Medvedev. – It will be based on subsystems. nutrition and management of natural organs. Already have technology like blood vessels, capillaries, controllably promote nanowires and probes for medical research or, for example, to power pacemakers. If Now this issue is being resolved for each artificial organ. separately, when there will be a lot of them, the issue with nutrition. Along all the nerves, tendons and vessels of a person is simply wires supplying artificial organs will be stretched electricity and managing them. “A collection of things like lighter bones, replacement of muscles with artificial ones, relief of others body parts, more efficient energy supply, will lead to that a person will become three to four times more effective in muscle the cost. This will be enough for him to fly. Genes and robots. And the person of the future should feel like fish in the water. Now breath holding dive record is about 12 minutes. To achieve such results, athletes train for years, but in the future a person will be able to calmly do without oxygen for long hours. Ability like Danila Medvedev believes that they will give artificial lung technology, modernization of the circulatory system, as well as the gills. Artificial the lung may be implanted, for example, instead of one natural or even as a complement. It will optimized for more efficient extraction of oxygen from air, and possibly water. In addition, paired with such a device it will be possible to install a container with compressed oxygen, which will provide an additional reserve. Beyond Extraction Efficiency oxygen will need to be solved and the problem of its more optimal transfer and use in the body. Futurologists say that the natural principle of oxygen transfer from the lungs to organs and carbon dioxide back is not effective enough due to low red blood cell performance. But this problem is solved by special molecular devices of nanorobots-respirators, in which gas can be pumped under pressure, i.e. its supply will increase in proportion to the compression force. Technologically this model is being worked out by american specialist Robert Freitas in Institute of Molecular Production, author of the first study on medical use of nanotechnology and nanorobots.
Its essence is that if the red blood cells are small disks, then nanorobots respiration will be sapphire spheres. They are much smaller in size than red blood cells, but at the same time 10 thousand times more effective because that they can store gas under pressure. It remains only to think over, how to pump gas into them and how to exchange with organs. IN on the whole, according to experts, such a scheme will allow a person caught in an airless environment, stop worrying about the next inhale for at least two hours. Specialists can quite easily tell how armor can be made of leather, for example. To realize this superpower in human genes will need embed spider gene. Similar experiments are being conducted with genetically modified goats that produce protein – spider silk used in the manufacture of body armor. The same protein with genetic engineering can be integrated into human skin by making it durable and resilient. If a person with such armor gets injured or mutilation, superpower not to feel will come to his aid pain or as restrained as possible to respond to a pain impulse. This the function will be taken over by a computer built into the body that can in a split second, analyze the damage done to the body, and issue an appropriate decision. It will be either blocking pain, or the release of special healing substances into the circulatory system. But a person of the future does not have to be present at all dangerous places. Leave your own body and virtually go to artificial object will allow the system to supply the brain with all the basic signals, for example, from a robot hung with stereo cameras, microphones, as well as motion and touch sensors. Future gene engineering, medicine and microelectronics will work together on the creation of new matter from silicon and plastic, which will smarter than living tissue. Only one question remains – the eternal philosophical “free will”. After all, in order to get superpowers, a person must abandon individuality, essentially turning into a controlled car. How many are there people? And at the same time, humanity itself, it turns out, will be divided into adherents of naturalness and advanced biorobots. Which of them will survive in this round of evolution? Scientists do not give an answer … Vladimir Kryuchkov
Water Robots