Five superfoods for breast cancer glands

Isn’t it true that today we hear too little about cancer prevention? Indeed, it seems like prevention today nobody pays attention. However, all that is needed for disease prevention is usually at hand. For example, scientists from the City of Hope Cancer Center (Cancer City of Hope Center) in Los Angeles found five “superfoods” preventing breast cancer that are publicly available. Photo from open sources In the light of dominance genetically modified organisms (GMOs), environmental pollution, lifestyle changes and other negative trends incidence many chronic diseases and cancer is growing. One of the best ways to avoid cancer – is to strengthen your body reliable The nutritional formula of “superfoods.” Scientists from City of Hope Cancer Center (Los Angeles, California) offer a simple and tasty way to prevent cancer. Researchers identified five specific products that have obvious benefits in the fight against cancer. Moreover, most of them, like usually available year-round at grocery stores. What are these products? Mushrooms. White champignons can slow the growth of cancer mammary gland, controlling special enzymes of the body – aromatase. Aromatases are proteins that are necessary for synthesis. estrogen hormones. Aromatase stimulate tumor development breast cancer, so mushrooms can help stop cancer growth cells. Blueberries Blueberry compounds effectively prevent growth cancer cells. Scientists have discovered that blueberries reduce size existing tumors and also blocks the spread of triple negative breast cancer. Garnet. Pomegranate has unique substances that, like mushrooms, suppress aromatase and are effective in about 70% of breast cancers. Having studied 10 components of ellagitannin in the composition of pomegranate, researchers realized that these natural compounds can successfully prevent the formation of malignant tumors in the mammary iron. In particular, urolitin B significantly inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Cinnamon. Cinnamon blocks the protein that is responsible for angiogenesis (the development of tumor vessels), which prevents entry necessary tumor substances. This blockade of blood flow prevents tumor development and survival. Grape Seed Extract. Compounds contained in grape seed are also have antiaromatase action. In addition, the extract grape seed blocks the action of another protein, responsible for stimulating the spread of cancer cells.

Mushrooms Oncology

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