A photo from open sources
Tomsk scientists have developed flexible and thin solar panels, which can be easily rolled up and sewed without difficulty all kinds of covers, clothes and so on.
This technology will allow the successful use of such solar batteries in various industries, agriculture and even in everyday life. On the surface of these flexible elements is located the thinnest layer of composite coating that converts the sun’s rays into the energy we need – electricity.
When creating such solar panels, Tomsk scientists effectively used Gretzel cells, i.e. the most inexpensive photovoltaic technology, so their products were not only lightweight, comfortable (flexible), but also cheap.
Of course, clothing manufacturers immediately became interested in her, which can be used, say, in the Far North and in Antarctica, because this technology allows you to sew light and warm (with heated) overalls and jackets. In addition, such a “sunny” the clothes will be very convenient for working in the field, where there are no sources of electricity except the sun itself. And this is only a fraction of where unique batteries of Tomsk inventors.