Under the surface of our planet – at a depth of several hundred kilometers – it seems that there are oceans.
The story of the Flood is biblical. And it seems to be mythical. However, many scientists believe that he was in fact. And not one. Like, on the continents there are numerous traces of flooding. And the lakes with salt water scattered over land and removed to thousands kilometers from the coastline – these are generally the remains of floods.
But where on earth did water come from for such a catastrophic and global flooding? Such that old Noah moored on his the ark to the top of Mount Ararat?
A photo from open sources
The hypothesis is complete. An asteroid or comet could fall into the ocean, which caused a colossal tsunami. Or the ice has melted from the global warming and flooded everything. Or vice versa, it got colder – ice blocked the rivers, displaced the remaining water in the oceans, the level of which disastrously rose. And some even argue that the axis of the planet has shifted, and from this a water shaft has passed overland several kilometers high. However, until recently, there was serious scientific evidence that could be lean on assumptions.
Now they are received – in the journal Nature published the results sensational research. Thanks to them the hypothesis that before It would seem quite insane, it becomes real. Hypothesis about that water for the Flood came from the bowels of the Earth. This is now and in fact it’s not fiction anymore – inside our planet colossal tanks. There is so much water in them that would be enough fill ten oceans such as the Pacific.
Diamond – the keeper
The mysteries of the Flood were hidden inside the diamond. how needle with the death of Koshchei the Immortal in the egg. The diamond is small – it weighs less than one tenth of a gram. Found in Brazil. Notable for that formed at great depths – more than 500 kilometers. Was brought to the surface. But most importantly: the diamond contains within itself An amazing inclusion is a tiny crystal of the mineral of ringwoodite. is he hermetically “sealed”, and therefore is in that condition, in which was in the bowels. And this provides a rare opportunity: Having studied the inclusion, find out the characteristics of its environment.
A photo from open sources
An analysis conducted by scientists led by the geochemist Graham Pearson (Graham Pearson) from the Canadian University of Alberta (University of Alberta in Edmonton), showed: in the crystal ringwoodite is about one and a half percent water. And he formed in surrounded by water.
According to the existing view, ringwood is the main component the so-called transition zone of the Earth – bowels located on depths of several hundred kilometers. According to preliminary According to estimates, these same one and a half percent and “spill over” in about ten pacific oceans.
Scientists believe that at a depth of several hundred kilometers are giant reservoirs of water.
A photo from open sources
Not the only evidence
A few years ago, American oceans were told about the underground oceans researchers led by Michael Weisseschin (Michael Wysession), professor of seismology from the University of Washington (St. Louis). Found them, studying seismograms – records of characteristics earthquakes.
By comparing the data collected over many years in different areas of our planets, scientists traced how the waves from the blows of the elements spread in the earth’s crust and mantle.
The analysis of about 600 thousand seismograms shocked. It turned out that in at least two places – under the eastern part of the continent Eurasia and under North America are huge reservoirs water.
– This is evidenced by the picture of longitudinal attenuation seismic waves, – explained the professor, – it is characteristic precisely for water.
Underground oceans, which may be located in the bowels, marked in red. They are identified due to anomalies in the passage seismic waves.
A photo from open sources
And even earlier, sea water beneath the surface of the Earth was discovered English scientists from the University of Manchester. Recognized her traces of carbon dioxide escaping from a depth of about 1,500 kilometers. They did not believe them. But it seems that now it is necessary.
The earth broke through
How water got inside the Earth is not exactly known – it is possible what formed with the planet. That is, I was always there. Or merged from a surface on which before there was much more water, than now. Maybe the whole planet was one big ocean. How Europe is the satellite of Jupiter.
There is a version according to which deep water periodically comes to the surface. And then again merges deep into. Speaking scientific language, the volume of the earth’s hydrosphere is changing. Most likely from some progress in the crust and mantle of the planet.
By the way, at the bottom of the ocean there are strange holes, of which the key beats water with a temperature of 400 degrees. They are called black smokers. ”
In antediluvian times, underground reservoirs thoroughly burst. And the catastrophic eruption of hot salt water began with steam, as from a bursting boiler. Sea level has risen, and on top of the condensed steam, the shower also poured – for 40 days and 40 nights. So the Flood came about. And then the water sucked back.
Groundwater can rise to the surface
A photo from open sources
This means, at least theoretically, that such a catastrophic event may recur. Moreover, so that Ararat will not be visible. Vaiseshin is scared that he finds below oceans – in those areas of the earth’s mantle that have not yet been explored, also have water. A lot of water. Its volume, according to the professor, can be five times the capacity of all outer oceans. Here estimates of Vaiseshin and Pearson are approximately the same.
Earthquake Water