Fly on Boeing is getting everything more dangerous?

Fly onPhoto from open sources

After the crash of a passenger UIA Boeing in Iran, recognition the leadership of this country that the plane was shot down by air defense by accident is worth to think about whether there are too many accidents happening with these by airliners?

A photo from open sources

This is the question many web users ask. Internet, and they not only put it on the agenda, but also trying to answer – why it is worth considering. let’s consider Some arguments in support of this argument:

  • Why Iran’s air defense to bring down a passenger plane, even if a mistake? What kind of mistake is it, who specifically launched the rocket, accidentally caught in a passenger Boeing? To many military experts It seems that the purpose of Iranian air defense was the American intelligence drone. But he easily covered himself with a civilian plane. Remember how something like this happened in Syria when the Israeli the military also exposed the Syrian air defense missiles to the Russian airplane. That is, experience in such provocations in the United States and their minions are available;
  • But what is Boeing bad about in this case? The fact is, judging by everything, analysts write, on these aircraft initially equipment is installed that makes it possible to intercept liner control from the outside. This is what the United States demonstrated back in 1980, when a passenger Boeing was deliberately rejected over Sakhalin and provoked air defense of the USSR to bring him down, thereby exposing The Soviet Union in front of the whole world as an evil empire. Something like that happened with the downed Boeing over the Donetsk region in 2014, why the USA simply does not give an objective investigation of this catastrophe. You can recall about this and the loss in the same 2014 Malaysian Boeing, which mythically disappeared over The South China Sea. And a couple of minutes before the disappearance of the pilots reported to the dispatcher that everything was fine with them. As they say experts, in such a short time the plane cannot be captured even from the most trained professional terrorists. But if control of the aircraft was instantly intercepted by special equipment “Boeing”, then everything falls into place.

A photo from open sources

Maybe it’s still a coincidence that in almost all the above disasters and provocations involved “Boeing” American made? It was they who were involved in notorious disaster on September 11, 2001, when allegedly terrorist planes crashed into the twin towers of the shopping center New York. The fact that the US intelligence services at the same time do not spare either strangers or its civilians, only confirms the fear that flying on Boeing is very dangerous.

You were not convinced by the fears of users of the World Wide Web and the arguments experts? Well, keep flying on American Boeings, and may the Lord protect you from the situation when you find yourself in that the plane that goes to the slaughter …

Iran Missiles Aircraft USSR USA

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