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Which of us did not dream that his teeth never hurt, but if some tooth had to be pulled out, then in place of the removed one certainly grew a new one. And there’s no fiction in it, since many marine and terrestrial animals possess such ability – to change teeth all his life, for example, elephants, sharks and others.
Surprisingly, this ability erupts in people. Exactly breaks through, because sometimes senior citizens actually suddenly new white teeth grow for the third time, as in childhood instead of dairy. Scientists and thought about how to grow a new tooth.
A photo from open sources
Can teeth grow a third time?
It turns out that there are many such cases, however, on the scale of our planets are a drop in the sea. Unfortunately, such a mechanism tooth regeneration is still unknown, although it is claimed sages, people of former civilizations, say, Hyperboreans, Atlanteans do not suffered from a lack of teeth in old age, which is inherent in modern to people. However, they still knew how to levitate, teleport, read thoughts, move and raise objects with thought (for example, Maya tribes did not know the wheels, but moved any goods and multi-ton stone slabs with fantastic lightness about which we we can only dream) and much more. But even today there are people capable of all of this. There are some lucky ones who experienced a third tooth shift …
Scientists go their own way in tooth restoration
Despite the fact that a person under special conditions is not capable only grow new teeth, but even restore a lost leg or arm, not to mention internal organs, scientists are used to any problem should be approached not from the inside, but from the outside (they always climb into the house through the window). That’s why they’re not looking hard today opportunities to “wake up the human body”, and artificial restoration of lost teeth. Most promising in this the direction is seen the theory of restoration of the lost by man gene, which is responsible for the formation and constant maintenance in normal gums and teeth.
There are other directions. However, before implementing all of these discoveries in practice and even more so in full-scale performance on the level of the entire planet, as they say, a huge distance, if at all possible. Current generations are unlikely to succeed. take advantage of science to death stay with strong and beautiful teeth. Therefore, if you want to restore your teeth, then remember that in our world salvation drowning is always a matter of the drowning man himself. Hope for science is not worth it …
With the power of thought, I have grown new teeth
Mikhail Stolbov lost his teeth in the army in the late seventies last century. They simply knocked him out, because at that time in Armed Forces of the USSR flourishing hazing – a real criminal lawlessness (in this case the story of the famous the whole world of the healer and spiritual leader M. Norbekov, who is in the army, at about the same time, the old men completely repulsed the kidneys, however, he later restored them – read his biography).
A photo from open sources
Stolbov still in the army instead of his native teeth put cheap prostheses, he lived with them, changing them as much as possible the best, however, never managed to get used to them. Especially him depressed language appeared for this reason. Once upon a time fate, Michael was in a remote taiga. And at this time he the gums ached, and so much that he was forced to abandon dentures and completely switch to frayed and porridge-like food. The pain served as a great incentive to search, how to restore lost teeth. This obsession, after all, resulted in the fact that Stolbov restored most of his teeth. This was a real miracle, but this fact was recorded in medical practice.
Michael himself wrote later that first you need to believe in it miracle, then switch to a healthy lifestyle and nutrition (him in this case helped life in the taiga, away from civilization), because without Accumulation of the necessary energy in the body will not work. And then follows learn to hear your body and try to see, feel, how do you grow teeth.
A photo from open sources
Remember the time when your childhood teeth grew
Oryol writer and yogi Sergey Veretennikov believes that only with the power of thought, you can start a program of dental growth in your body. A To do this, you must first remember all the sensations that you experienced in early childhood when your teeth grew. This is the first and the most important button we click on. The second button is concentration of attention and two lower front incisors, which people grow up in childhood first. And the third button is concentration on the point between the eyebrows (in the third eye) with thought – I have new teeth growing. And if these buttons are big part of the day to keep “on” – success is guaranteed.
The main enemies in this process are disbelief (by faith you will be given) and fear, especially the fear that new teeth prevent somehow surviving (do not interfere, proven in practice). But the most insidious enemy nevertheless becomes – human laziness, and not only in the restoration of teeth. It is she who makes we have to resort to the services of doctors, although our most important doctor is we yourself …
Time Life The Power of Thought