Forceful solution to a problem is always a loss

Forceful solution to a problem is always a lossA photo from open sources

The other day, two groups representing extremist organization “Islamic State”, clearly demonstrated all the absurdity of a forceful solution to any problem.

The militants of these groups caught red-handed smokers, and because in the “Islamic State” indulge in tobacco strictly prohibited, the perpetrators decided to punish: caught in the first times – with whips, and the rest … And here a dispute arose among the militants, what punishment the offenders deserve not the first time. Alone Islamists suggested chopping off smokers’ fingers, others were against it, since such cruelty, in their opinion, is not provided by sharia.

As a result of a heated dispute, extremists staged a real fire, which killed twelve militants on both sides of quarreling factions. It turns out that smoking – You can’t, but to kill each other (even for no reason) – please!

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