Found a drug that is the same effective against cancer and the AIDS virus

A medicine has been discovered that is equally effective against cancer and the AIDS virus.A photo from open sources

The international group of scientists, which includes Russia, the USA, Great Britain, Finland and Switzerland, opened the mechanism, AIDS neutralizing virus. RIA Novosti reports, citing data of the South Ural State University.

According to researchers, an open mechanism will provide an opportunity produce an antiviral drug that is equally Can help people with cancer, AIDS and HIV.

The principle of operation of this mechanism is as follows: into the patient’s body they introduce an experimental drug that “extracts” a zinc atom from a virus molecule, which leads to its deactivation. Moreover, this the result is any virus.

Some researchers believe that recently, scientists often make such sensational statements, but in fact little is changing. Let’s hope this discovery really has perspective, and millions of people will be able to recover from dangerous diseases.

Earlier ESOREITER talked about the discovery of scientists: weightlessness destroys cancer cells.

Andrey Vetrov


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