Four dozen whales washed ashore Chile

Four dozen whales jumped ashore ChilePhoto from open sources

At least thirty-seven dead whales were found in the southern the coast of the Republic of Chile. This is reported by local media, citing Chilean National Fisheries Service.

According to provided by South American reporters information, mammals have independently washed ashore. By According to experts and local residents, this happened here and earlier – at least once a year, dead people are found in the area marine mammals. Moreover, the reasons for what is happening neither to the authorities, not known to zoologists. Scientists suggest that this time the whales washed ashore about two weeks ago. Hot local climate, unfortunately, does not allow to determine the exact time of their death.

World scientists still have not agreed on why marine giants die that way. There are several versions. By one of them, climate change is to blame – whales swim to shore to warm in warm waters, and the surf carries them on dry land. Many experts believe that forcing diseases animals voluntarily end their lives. Other scientists are sure that whales brings them a magnetic compass, forcing them to swim to shore.

Recently, the theory that the whale is forcing a rumble of submarines to land on the shore. Frightened by this noise, mammals stop orienting themselves in space and quickly rise to the surface. Thanks decompression they lose their hearing and in the worst case sail to shore, from where they no longer have the opportunity to sail away.

By the way, in recent years there have been many cases where and dolphins are washed ashore, and also massively, which Again, it remains a mystery to scientists. True many researchers and in this case are inclined to the version that marine animals “kill” noise from ships and motor boats, violating location abilities of mammals. It is possible that the noise-dirty environment of modern oceans makes whales and dolphins swim to the shore and die here …

Dolphins time

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