Fresh dill can be stored in the refrigerator several months

Fresh dill can be stored in the refrigerator for several months.A photo from open sources

Dill is a very popular greens, which, in Russia, for example, the most massive amount is used in the summer. Wherein Russians appreciate dill mainly for its palatability, not even suspecting how much this green is good for our body.

Dill helps, say, with diseases such as gastritis, hypertension, cystitis, treats almost all kidney diseases, reduces headache, eliminates insomnia, generally improves metabolism substances in the body and normalizes appetite.

This is probably why many people who care about their health (like, however, about gastronomic delights) they prepare dill for the winter, for example, grease it (see video below). Who has enough large freezers freeze this valuable greens.

However, even in the summer, dill has such a disadvantage as withering and falling quickly – even in the refrigerator. Unlike the same parsley, which is also popular in Russia, dill can to buy from strength for two to three days. At least that’s what it is. (based on practice). But this is fundamentally wrong judgment, because if you store dill correctly in your home refrigerator, then it doesn’t will lose its fresh palatability and valuable healing qualities as at least three months.

A photo from open sources

To do this, thoroughly rinse the dill and dry. Further we prepare dry clean cans for it, best of all half liter with modern screw caps. The next step is to cut off greens thick stems, and neatly fold all the delicate branches into cooked dishes. Tram, of course, dill in this case is not necessary, but tightly to lay just follows. Close the lids – and dill for long-term storage is ready.

This simple and very effective method of storing dill can enjoy all summer by purchasing this tender greens, for example, immediately for a month or at least a week or two. But more effective use such “conservation” in the fall when dill is in the garden and at the bazaar a lot and it costs mere pennies. In this case, not you even need to freeze and salt this valuable greens to then use it all fall, and sometimes part of winter. Wherein such a fresh dill can not be compared to even frozen greens, not to mention canned …


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