Fresh milk is hazardous to health. But not pair?

Fresh milk is dangerous to health. And not fresh milk?Photo from open sources

In the UK, Australia, USA and some other countries it is forbidden to sell fresh milk. For example, FSA (Food Agency British standards) made such a decision the other day, at that while in Scotland a similar ban exists since 1983.

Despite the fact that many researchers in fresh milk see one of the most favorable for human body drinks that boosts immunity, reduces risks diseases of asthma, allergies and even cancer, this is a product (if it sold in stores, not on farms) causes massive poisoning. It is for this reason that the FSA recommends to users who accustomed to a fresh drink, buy it directly on the farms, what the ban does not apply.

Although many scientists argue that any milk except maternal, harmful to the human body. First in it there are special substances for the formation of animal horns and hooves, which in our body form only mucus, with difficulty outward (more often it simply settles on blood vessels and leads to corresponding diseases).

Secondly, dairy products (all without exception, even cottage cheese) not replenish, but, on the contrary, as proven by recent studies, washed out of the body calcium. No coincidence american Brigham experts concluded that children who drink milk, further at risk of bone fractures and have serious tooth problems. On the negative effects of milk on adults, and especially for the elderly, it is no longer necessary to speak.

Thirdly, milk, as researchers prove, becomes a favorable product not for humans, but for all sorts of parasites living in our body. It turns out that dairy with products we ruin our health, and even feeding parasites, which exacerbate this process. So is milk and a hedgehog worth it Togo?

It’s very difficult for many people to give up dairy products, since we were taught from early childhood how useful they are. we accustomed to their pleasant taste and, finally, all over the world, including in Russia, a huge dairy industry is operating, which simply will not allow scientists to prove one hundred percent that milk and everything that comes from it is harmful to humans. Take a look advertising on TV – and you will see the correctness of these words.

Therefore, the choice is yours – to believe progressive scientists or advertising dairy producers …

Great Britain Health Russia

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