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16-year-old Chinese woman Nana was not afraid to show herself to the world. The girl is sick with a rare disease called hirsutism – excessive hair growth in women according to the male type.
For any girl, youthful years are the most difficult, but also the most memorable and fun in life. For a 16 year old Nana these years became a nightmare. On the body and face of the girl after treatment diseases of the hematopoietic system began to grow hair. She is forced spend almost all time alone, hiding in his room. The girl nevertheless agreed to show her face to reporters, on which grew a real beard. The reason for this anomaly is rare a disease called hirsutism.
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“The doctor said it was very serious and without treatment, Nana would die,” – says her mother. In 2010, the girl was hospitalized with diagnosed with aplastic bone marrow anemia – a disease when the body does not produce enough blood cells.
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To cure the girl, the doctor prescribed her a shock dose medicines, after which the girl’s health improved, but later side effects began to appear. Nana hair began to grow very actively, not only on arms and legs, but also on the face. There are several treatment options available today. this rare disease. One of them – does not cure the disease itself, but involves classes with psychologists who help patients hirsutism accept your disease and learn to live with it. Other the method includes various procedures aimed at hair removal, constant medication and strict adherence diet. According to the University of Maryland, about eight percent of women in the United States suffer from hirsutism. About half women with diabetes have an increased level in the body androgen, male sex hormone, which significantly increases their chances of getting hirsutism. Relative risk factors also advocate racial and ethnicity.
A photo from open sources
Due to her illness, the girl was forced to drop out of school in 2010 year. “Every day she cries, wanting to go to school,” says frustrated, but not losing hope, mother of Nana. Woman describes her daughter, as a “sociable and cheerful” girl, but her state every day more and more turns it into reclusive. The girl is forced to wear pants and sweatshirts with long sleeves, and going out into the street – hide your face behind a mask. Disease deprived Nana of friends and the unfortunate girl spends her time in all alone, where her only salvation was books.