From the End of the World, the Chinese will hide in huge balls

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Chinese farmer figured out how to save his loved ones from of the upcoming Apocalypse: a man feverishly mastering huge cocoons, which, according to him, are not afraid of either tsunamis or hurricanes. A man who has heard terrible prophecies as to what will happen on December 21, 2012, I decided build such shelters that would protect his loved ones from all kinds of variations of the end of the world: floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and other disasters. The Chinese have practically completed seven spheres, designed to shelter 14 people – all members of the farmer’s family. In the courtyard of his house you can see balls that their creator calls “Noah’s Arks”.

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Sheathe metal frame with a special material having its composition is fiberglass, a man is helped by numerous male relatives counting on a place in one of spheres. Sealed balls with different interiors contain oxygen cylinders and seat belts, and a little later in them load supplies of food and drinking water. Spheres are incredibly heavy and in order to move one “Noah’s ark” from a place, it is required the strength of four men. Despite their weight, the balls do not sink and are on the water in an upright position.

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Farmer hopes to pay attention to its development government agencies and international organizations so that create similar areas for the population and thereby protect people from impending disaster.

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However, the Chinese are not the first to build a ball-shaped shelter – his compatriot Yang Zhong Fu was the first to design yellow apparatus, calling it, naturally, “Noah’s ark”.

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The inventor boasted that his field was able to withstand pressure of 350 tons, temperature up to 1700 degrees Celsius (3092 F) and radiation. According to Jan, a family of three can live in “Noah’s Ark” for 10 months: everything is inside the sphere necessary for life support. Chinese inventor labored over the “ark” for two years and invested in it $ 250,000. late summer Zhong Fu agreed to demonstrate strength apparatus, having passed, or rather rolled in it through the strip obstacles. A ball 4 meters in diameter safely rolled down the hill landed in a shallow lake and … gave a leak.

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Jung Fu, crawling out of the apparatus, reassured hundreds of curious viewers, stating that he was not injured, except for a small cut on the chin.

Earthquake Water China End of the World

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