Fukushima can’t do anything with leaks radiation

On the A photo from open sources

Fukushima’s protective barrier cannot cope with leaks. About it TEPCO engineers said. Contaminated groundwater at a nuclear power plant so much that their level is already 60 centimeters higher than the protective barriers. According to experts, this is the main reason large leaks. According to the latest calculations, every day from Fukushima 300 tons of contaminated water flows out. Now in front of the engineers the task is to strengthen the barrier even better. In parallel with this will be pump out the accumulated radioactive water. Every day from under the nuclear power plant will pump out one hundred tons of contaminated water. Complicated by everything that highly radioactive water enters the groundwater, which flows from the drainage system of nuclear power plants. More than 20 thousand of them accumulated there. tons The level of radioactive cesium in water in one of drainage tunnels – 2.35 billion becquerels per liter of liquid. The normal value is 150 becquerels. That into the pacific radioactive water continues to flow from nuclear power plants, TEPCO reported in July. Then the Japanese government ordered as soon as possible stop leaks, writes ITAR-TASS.


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