A photo from open sources
A new leak of radioactive water was recorded recently near a nuclear power plant Fukushima (Japan). As TERSO officials say, pollution at Nuclear power plants have exceeded the normal level more than seventy times.
A leak source was found that allowed radioactive water seep into the sea. It was turned off, but it is not clear exactly when started to flow. And even after the leak was blocked, and the level of seawater pollution decreased slightly, indicators still much higher than normal. Officials, like scientists, Japan recognize that every day three hundred tons of radioactive water go from Fukushima to the Pacific Ocean. And this – not even counting the last intense leakage!
Recall that in 2011. at a nuclear power plant (NPP) “Fukushima-1” accident occurred. Serious earthquake and the tsunami that followed right there was completely disabled reactor cooling system. Radiation contamination caused then leave their homes three hundred thousand people living next to NUCLEAR POWER STATION.
Water japan