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New cryptographic system based on the “problem of backpack, “is an ultra-modern data encryption algorithm, developed by scientists at the University of Washington. According to experts, in the modern era of quantum computers, only this protection can provide data transfer security.
Today for these purposes we use the most common RSA data encryption algorithm based on factorization of simple numbers. Its essence is that quickly factoring any large number is simply not possible on a modern computer. But it has already been proved that such a task is beyond the power of a quantum computer, therefore, the RSA data protection algorithm can be considered in our time outdated and dangerous, since in the near future it will not be in the power to protect Internet users.
The fact is that quantum computers through the use of the specific properties of subatomic particles can work in millions and even billions of times more productive than modern devices. Of course, today we have only a few such supercomputers, Yes, and they are still limited in their capabilities. However all over the world dozens, if not hundreds, of the most advanced scientists are working on this problem, and the advent of quantum computers that are literally in a few years will replace the current, not far off.
This is why the new data encryption algorithm proposed by American scientists are so important. The “backpack problem” is much harder for an algorithmic solution, it is NP-complete version, which is not proved for the problem based on factorization numbers. Therefore, a cryptographic system based on the “problem of even the most powerful quantum will not be able to crack a satchel computers for which to cope with modern RSA encryption is not presents no problem.
Note that the “backpack problem” algorithm is not new; for the first time about it they started talking at the end of the seventies of the last century. However this data encryption system did not pass the test at that time – it was easily hacked by a simple computer. Attempts to somehow improve her, then had no success. And now scientists have succeeded University of Washington – Nathan Hamlin and William Webb. how say researchers, they managed to rid this unique the essence of the data encryption algorithm from all past shortcomings and weak points. And today he is ready to secure the Internet, despite on the arrival of quantum computers in our everyday life.
By the way, Russia Russia successfully tested quantum Leonov anti-gravity engine.