Gain moral guidance

A photo from open sources

The rational man’s job is to apply his thoughts to business in accordance with the laws of nature. Epictetus

Modern time flies more and more rapidly. Why ask You? Because our world is oversaturated with information that freely penetrates into us and captures our brain. it immerses us in a bizarre information kaleidoscope that incredibly complicates a deep understanding of what is happening. We just no longer able to realize what is happening. For this reason perception in our era has become extremely superficial. In modern in a public boiler, history is boiling at a speed to which people are already do not have time to adapt, and the development of society loses even the appearance of harmony and balance. And especially suffer morality and moral principles. We don’t just stop, stay in silence and think about really important issues – about the criteria good and evil, about love and the meaning of one’s life. We are convinced that the modern rhythm of life is normal, but at the same time they are silent, that with this we need to run like a squirrel in a ferris wheel, which is not in forces to stop, and at this pace it is clearly not up to high matter. It seems that we live and fry in the very heat of history, in which mixed everything, and spirituality was the main victim sewage information flows and scientific and technological progress. IN this world is already difficult to understand what is happening around. But so that it doesn’t bother anyone as a “sweet pill” a drug of “rampant consumption” is proposed. As a result, in our society has become accustomed to satisfy their vanity through fashionable gadgets and things. People buy another TV, connect even faster Internet and consume, consume more and more information every day, NOT “digesting” it, perhaps believing that this is the path to wisdom and happiness. And in the end, in in a modern world where THOUGHT is replaced by digital content, man from Homo sapiens turns into an ordinary Carrier information – a human flash drive. Many of us no longer have an understanding. for which it’s worth the time and effort to comply with the laws of morality, but for some reason there is an opinion that we live exactly as we should live. Where does this false representation come from? Of course, from society! Many of us act on the principle: “I am like everyone else.” Like not nothing wrong with that. But is it?

A photo from open sources Having lived to the 21st century, we have witnessed large-scale human degradation, in which depravity, cowardice and dishonor are already the usual norm, and frivolous and superficial people are becoming popular. Under the slogan of protecting “individual freedom” cultivates indifference and selfishness. Cruelty and murder are romanticized, the cult is extolled money and things. To immerse a person in a swamp there are so many illusory ideas about life that involuntarily you start to think that someone is intentionally set the task to arouse in people feelings of meaninglessness and hopelessness of life in order to “free” a person from responsibility for your present and future. It seems exactly for this people literally bombarded with propaganda that is dense information fog prevents them from seeing what is happening and coming to their own conclusions.

A photo from open sources The most fashionable word of our time is “tolerance”. “You have to be more tolerant of each other,” they say intellectuals and liberals. “We must respect each other,” – dazzle newspaper headlines. “We are all people,” is heard from the TV screens. AND at first glance it seems to be so. But let’s figure out what is tolerance. If you look into any dictionary or just type this word in the search engine, then one of the meanings will be the following: “Tolerance is the inability of the body distinguish foreign organs. This state is achieved gradually inhibition of toxic substances of the body’s immune system, leading her to apathy and indifference. Full tolerance is death. ” Perhaps there really is something to think about. One thing respect each other’s worldview, and the other is to uproot the beginnings of a kind and bright to please a sick society, icons which they put on pieces of meat instead of clothes, exposing questioned the very definition of “Homo sapiens.” Looking around you can see how people are intentionally infected with creepy information ulcers, and the main tools for this are lies, immorality and the substitution of concepts that have saturated many means mass media. These vices are being erected in modern society in the principle of the norm, and when the rot is too obvious, then this, Unfortunately, it no longer causes past indignation. Imagine you they saw an ink spot on their light clothes. Do you understand that this stain spoils your thing, and of course you want to fix it and take some action. But so as not to waste effort on stain removal, you decide to just stain and ruin the whole clothes, making her the color of that dirty stain. Same happening with society. Instead of removing the hearth pollution, we see how everything else is dirty and we hear calls treat this with respect and tolerance, which ultimately leads us to complete social apathy and indifference.

A photo from open sources It seems that under the banner of tolerance and with using a wide range of propaganda tools, coordinated efforts of some power groups Western countries aim to educate us with the same indifference to the most important spiritual concepts: to good and evil, morality and immorality. Because of this, all definitions of true values gradually lose their sacred meaning and become only a set common words. As a result, many begin to absorb immorality like a sponge without even trying to figure out the true nature of things. We are gradually accustomed to the new immoral world order, or rather mess (mess – the order of the demon?). And since the poison of stupidity and immorality is introduced to us bit by bit and over time, we almost no longer notice. Obviously, all this leads humanity to the fate of Pompeii. Some modern publicists have long been paying attention to this. and philosophers who, paying attention to the perversity of the prevailing systems that offer to follow the path of morality and ethics. For example, Russian macroeconomist Mikhail Khazin at the Dialogue Forum civilizations, “said that the Eurasian space is the territory on which morality should play a dominant role. Interestingly, he paid attention to propaganda, as the main method in the modern world that is intentionally used to “erosion” of true values. Moreover, as the main erosion tools, he said, are used before total “freedom”, understood as the right of any individual to choose value base for oneself, and “political correctness” as a ban society to analyze the value base of its members. Consequently, all this leads to the fact that in our country purposefully a society is formed in which there is no place for clear moral principles. And where do they come from if we wash out the understanding of moral values ​​and each has its own concepts and beliefs that so good, but what is bad? In this regard, attracts more attention is the book “Moral of the XXI century”, in which its author, an outstanding the philosopher of our time, Dario Salas Sommer, formulates specific moral criteria based on the unchanging laws of Nature. IN to this book, he thoroughly and clearly explains the fundamental the role of morality and the fact that the moral qualities of a person that determine him thoughts and actions directly affect the quality of his whole life. Reflecting on the subject of blurred common in modern a society of moral criteria, this thinker writes: “It is necessary recognize that most people have moral subjectivity, in according to which the goal of moral action is considered achieving a subjective state of pleasure or happiness when a person evaluates as “good” all that gives him pleasure, and how “bad” is all that hurts him and suffering. With this approach, the concept of morality is not associated with ethical and reasonable behavior “… Subjectivism justifies all the very primitive, animal impulses and desires, completely freeing a person from anxiety, shame, or guilt if the implementation of data desires and impulses brings him pleasure … Of these false of ideas it follows that you can kill with impunity if you someone doesn’t like it. To rape. Rob if you want to have what another has. On the contrary, all good and right deeds, which require moral effort are already regarded as unnecessary and objectionable. However, the need for good, the need for light and for following morality is inherent in us initially. What is stopping us from sorting out the truth of moral categories, find the right criteria and change own life? First of all, of course, is the desire for comfort and mental laziness limiting our own possibilities. That but Dario Salas Sommer says on this issue that “our the cognitive tool is limited and malfunctioning, but no one not interested in its development, since it is beneficial for someone to the man remained an obedient consumer. ” Hide the truth on itself it’s very simple, you just have to sow lies everywhere and everywhere, and in ultimately, it will be passively accepted without any doubt. Drawing attention to this, Dario Salas Sommer points out that “in the language lost the true semantics of words, the meaning of which everyone interprets, as he wants. The concept of honor has become antiques, and shamelessness has become role model, sexual perversions turned into “alternative behavior”, communication of people – into an illusory contact between images. People are rated as useful or useless things, criminals are considered victims, and so on ad infinitum. ” A classic example of the moral impoverishment of society is the abolition of The concepts of “mom” and “dad” are already in several European countries. The concepts that have been considered the most important and important for centuries in the world. When a child says the first word “mom” or “dad”, he realizes that in his life there are relatives, that he lives in a family with their own traditions and customs. Saying these words, baby takes over the experience gained over many years from their parents previous generations and preparing to follow the moral path, keeping in his heart the main core of life – love. Think What can a person who has been living in world of concepts “parent 1” and “parent 2”. Then he will have: “truth 1” – “truth 2”, “truth 1” – “truth 2”.

A photo from open sources To get out of this bizarre kaleidoscope of crooked mirrors needed, internal compass, interacting with a field of clear and unshakable moral criteria, and general map of the universe, allowing you to find the right path. All this can be found, for example, in the works of such serious moral philosophers like Confucius, Dario Salas Sommer and Epictetus. Epictetus said: “What will happen is not in your will, but to live according to good or evil – in your will. No one bothers you, no matter what happened to you, to act always and in everything in accordance with the truth and good. Whatever happens, you will turn yourself into a lesson and benefit. ” He said that a heart following the laws of morality – an inexhaustible spring with pure water, and believed that the spirit of man nature needs to be improved and developed, which achieved by hard work on oneself. In exactly the same way argues the philosopher of our day Dario Salas Sommer, offering build your life on the basis of moral purity and improving consciousness. In my opinion, from his book “Moral XXI centuries “you can draw many deep thoughts and clear definitions, allowing everyone to improve their lives. Comply with the laws of higher morality need to learn, but it’s really worth it! Let’s remember that earlier training necessarily included ethical parenting, the teacher helped students develop the ability consciously reflect, and not just absorb information. For what students were given the necessary moral guidelines for direction thoughts. How did ancient philosophers educate their students? None crammed a huge number of books, nobody’s freedom was not infringed. Teachers and students could walk around the garden for hours and lead unhurried dialogues that facilitate reflection and knowledge of the truth. To the story philosophy even included a term such as “mayevtica”, which implied the eternal spiritual search for man through constant reflection. “Know thyself” – this statement of Chilon can was read on the wall of an ancient Delphic temple. And u everyone had the opportunity to stop and think. So let’s and we will stop and recall morality in the 21st century! Vyacheslav Azarov

Life time

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