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According to studies by the Department of Food Control Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Genetically Modified salmon (AquaAdvantage), growing twice as fast as usual, does no harm environmentally friendly as well as food quality for person. Thus, an end to many years of controversy scientists. FDA findings suggest that AquaAdvantage is potentially safe for both humans and natural salmon populations. The FDA first came to such conclusions 2 years ago, however the US government ignored the results of these studies. Representatives of fishing companies are sure that the issue of industrial AquaAdvantage production has been shelved under pressure influential opponents of genetically modified foods. – We are glad positive environmental assessment by the FDA and hope that the government will finally begin developing a new regulatory framework for based on evidence-based data, company representatives said AquaBounty Technologies. If this happens, AquaAdvantage will become the first genetically modified animal product origin legalized in the food industry in any point of the world. However, opponents of GMOs continue to call AquaAdvantage “frankenfish”. They still fear genetically modified salmon may cause allergic reaction in humans, and also eventually destroy the whole natural population of delicious fish. Also, still not destroyed and ethical barriers in this matter. Responding to Fears moralists, the FDA claims that as a product of genetic engineering, AquaAdvantage is not a clone: it’s just a fish with a structure DNA altered to produce certain traits. Still it is unclear what the demand for AquaAdvantage will be if its industrial production will be approved by the american government. Genetic Engineering already widely used in agriculture however genetically modified animals still remained taboo for consumers. Although the potential benefits of this sector, which means and the profits are huge. If AquaAdvantage is ultimately allowed sell, then consumers don’t even know what they are eating: in According to the law, this fish will not be labeled as genetically modified. And in taste, color and texture, she generally no different from natural salmon.
DNA fish