Genetics technology will make Chinese children the smartest in the world

Genetic technology will make Chinese children the smartest in the world.A photo from open sources Genetics from the Middle Kingdom develop technology that will enable the next generation of Chinese children become an order of magnitude smarter than their peers in other countries of the world.

The essence of the experiment is as follows. Researchers from BGI (the largest Center for Genetic Research in China) believe that the level intelligence – 50 – 80 percent determines heredity. The Chinese decided to collect the most outstanding genetic material intellectuals of our time in the hope of identifying the gifted gene. IN they already have DNA samples from two thousand scientists with the world by name. Based on these data, gene maps of people with high IQ.

If it is possible to identify the gene responsible for intellectual ability, then geniuses can be selected already at the stage the embryo.

– Parents will have the opportunity to choose the best option among 50 potential descendants carrying the optimal set of inherited signs, ”says project manager Bowen Zhao. – This the procedure will cost several thousand dollars. But this is nothing compared to tuition at Harvard or Oxford. A the result is about the same.

Chinese authorities consider this project a state affair importance. Geneticists from BGI have already received for research 1.5 billion dollars. Beijing’s logic is easy to understand: intermediate intelligence of each new generation can be raised by 5 – 15 IQ points. Already after two or three generations, the gap between mental abilities of the Chinese and children from those countries where procreation carried out by the good old grandfather way, will catastrophic.

How can our grandchildren compete with the Chinese in science or business, even if they have test tubes in the laboratory, people with Einstein’s intellect, and to sell pies – guys with a grip Bill Gates? China will turn into the only superpower!

– In the West, the possibilities of geneticists are limited due to bans, related to ethical considerations. But Europe and America will have to follow our footsteps, otherwise they will be on the sidelines of history, – considers Zhao.


China will become the cultural center of mankind

Joffrey MILLER, Specialist in Evolutionary Psychology, lecturer at NYU is one of those two thousand luminaries of science who agreed to provide Chinese researchers their genetic material.

– The practical application of genetic screening technology embryos can be expected in five to ten years, say Miller. -We are far behind China because we are under the influence of ideological prejudice instilling in us: “We must not to interfere in nature, in the creation of the Lord, there is some kind of danger! It will be much easier for the Chinese to implement the results of scientific research at the level of public policy.

Does China thus strive to gain world domination? Not I think. China returns to its own grounds historical justice is the place of the cultural center of mankind. Europe enjoys a temporary advantage. Sooner or later, a country with the largest population in the world will acquire the corresponding influence.


The gifted gene does not exist!

What does the idea of ​​Chinese scientists come to humanity to go to artificial breeding? Is it technically feasible? About this we talked to Svetlana Borinskaya, doctor of biological sciences, Leading Research Fellow, Institute for Genome Analysis Laboratory general genetics them. N. I. Vavilova.

– Genes affect a variety of characteristics of people: eye color, nose shape, height, weight and intellectual ability. But gene giftedness does not exist! – claims Svetlana Borinskaya. -Because such a complex trait as intelligence, by one gene cannot be determined. Even eye color is formed by several genes. The level of mental ability determines the combination of many genes. It is unlikely that you can find a simple scheme that allows you to predict level of intelligence.

– And if you take not the general level of thinking, but individual qualities, for example, math ability?

– Let’s take a simple sign – growth. The genes that are known to him are known affect. But they do not set the sign unequivocally: the boy will grow to 182.3 cm! They only define certain boundaries of variation. A intellect much more susceptible to the conditions of education and the environment. Bye Wednesday we are not created by the conditions in which genetic the potential of most people. Someone was lucky: and the genes are in order, and Favorable environment – talented scientists have turned out of them. What if a child with the same set of genes went to school, where the learning system did not contribute to the development of intelligence, then the potential is not is being implemented.

– Genius cannot be given birth to order. And the Olympic champion ?! FROM such qualities as speed and power, is it easier to understand?

– Yes, there are genes that affect muscle structure. But you can’t to claim that a certain set of genes guarantees a child a title record holder. It’s more likely to say: such a combination will not give him the opportunity to succeed in a sport where short-term ones are needed explosive efforts – in a sprint, for example. But in the long run You can try the distance. Because, in addition to muscle structure, a champion must have many other qualities. Perseverance, reaction for stress, ability to recover, adaptation to high loads. Willpower finally …

– The very idea of ​​choosing to procreate the most competitive embryo – is it interesting?

– It is wiser to abandon non-viable embryos, which medical genetics are doing now. Thanks to gene diagnostics on the island of Sardinia, where a mutation is common leading to severe blood diseases, the birth of sick children decreased by 20 times. When it is about health, genetic diagnosis is necessary. But when parents want to choose a child by eye color or even gender … This will lead to unpredictable consequences.

– In the same China, doctors were forbidden to conduct ultrasounds to determine gender of the child. If the parents found out that there would be a girl, pregnancy was often interrupted. As a result, a demographic skew: there are much more men in China than women …

– There is skew, and it will help reduce the number population in China. But this is unlikely to make them happy. When in the country millions of men can not find a wife, it is not very well.

– By the way, about happiness. The gene responsible for the “paradise zone” in brain associated with a sense of pleasure. Can, can geneticists make mankind happy?

– Yes, we can determine whether a person is prone to depression or not. But, having discovered the gene or its absence, we can say: at 5 percent more likely that a person will be depressed. And the environment can exacerbate this predisposition, and can completely level it! Recent studies prove: development is not only determined with what a set of genes parents gave their baby, and how active are these genes.

The conditions of early childhood education change their activity. There is a well-known example of the massive emergence of deformities in the past century. There was such a calming drug thalidomide. It is harmless to adults, but, as it turned out, disturbed the development of the embryo. In Europe 10 thousand babies were born with no long bones limbs.

– Horror!

– This phenotype was known before, but was extremely rare. But when the fetus was exposed to a chemical substance – my mother took during pregnancy several tablets, then the baby was born as if he had a mutation, although the genes were completely in okay. It is now known that people get genes from parents different levels of activity.

In addition, already during pregnancy and after birth on DNA chemical labels that affect gene activity are placed: turn it on or off. Today it is a very fashionable direction. Research: How the environment affects gene activity. It is proved that in childhood, the child has a fine-tuning of his genetic apparatus under environmental conditions.

– And maybe it’s easier to clone geniuses? Then we get the exact copy.

– Firstly, and in this case for genius it is much more important educational conditions. Secondly, we know a lot of examples when genius combined with strong differences from the norm. For instance, physicist Stephen Hawking the worst disease did not stop becoming world famous scientists. Or the famous opera singer Thomas Quasthoff, whose mother took thalidomide. Finally humanity valuable for its diversity.

What is in demand today may not be necessary when change of environment. And she is changing rapidly. In recent years Mass production of food raises many problems. For example, in a number of countries antibiotics are used in animal husbandry. Microbes appeared that are not susceptible to the action of these drugs, and it is dangerous to humans.

This is a huge concern for physicians. Cloning even the very best samples of today can create unviable future population. Abandoning the genetic diversity, we are very much at risk.

DNA time China

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