A photo from open sources
Participants in the international conference on the impact of space weather forecast last week warned world community that space weather could turn out to be a factor much more dangerous for the global economy than economic recessions, financial crises and even natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes.
Sudden geomagnetic storm caused by solar wind and its interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere, can lead to disastrous consequences. This has already happened in modern history more than once. For example, in 1859, when the Earth survived the most large-scale geomagnetic storm in the entire history of observations known called the Carrington Event.
However, due to the fact that the economy of that time, unlike modern, did not rely on high technology, the effects of the storm were not so tangible. If this happens nowadays, the damage to the world economies would be trillions of dollars.
Scientists claim that events of this magnitude occur with every 500 years. However, as an employee notes NASA Charles Bolden, solar flares and much less intensities pose a serious threat to the Earth.
As evidence, experts cite another happening. In March 1989, a geomagnetic storm in Canada literally 90 seconds turned off the entire power system Quebec, leaving millions of people in nine hours remained without light and heat. The same geomagnetic storm without Electricity left 12 million people in New Jersey, USA.
In 1921, a storm was recorded 10 times more powerful. Happen she today, its influence on itself would have felt about 130 million human. But most of all scientists are concerned about the fact that on liquidation of consequences of large geomagnetic storms for the world economies can take years.
Indeed, in the event of mass blackouts, the following will suffer: fuel, water and healthcare, communications and etc. It could be a rehearsal of the apocalypse, worried say scientists.