A photo from open sources
In January 2010, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez blamed the United States in tests of tectonic weapons near Haiti. He stated that the United States “organized” this terrible earthquake. But is it possible? Chavez’s charge
According to the President of Venezuela, a certain tectonic weapons designed for war with Iran. Test of these weapons and led, says Hugo Chavez, to an earthquake on Haiti. A similar test, according to the president, was conducted. a week earlier in the Pacific and caused an earthquake in California 6.5 points. And finally, as indirect evidence what the US knew about a possible earthquake, Chavez cited fact: American General P.K. was sent to Haiti in advance Keen, whose responsibilities included monitoring the relief to the population.
A photo from open sources
As news agencies note, existence data tectonic weapons are not confirmed by any country in the world. By however, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Cuba, Iran and other countries repeatedly accused the USA, USSR and China of provoking earthquakes in their territories. However no evidence never been presented …
Geophysical weapon
Indeed, rumors of secret geophysical developments weapons went around the world for a long time, they said that new means mass destruction compared to which a child’s nuclear bomb cracker, developed in the USA and the USSR. For the time being rumors remained rumors and seemed incredible. However how It is known that there is no smoke without fire. In the late 70’s. XX century two superpowers conclude an agreement banning on military developments in the field of geophysics. Legally contract entered into force. In fact, the secret laboratories continued their labor under the guise of scientific institutions – like “Research Institute of Management the weather. ”
Of course, learning how to manage the weather is very tempting: rain, snow, sun – on request, in the right place and at the right time. AND when theorists proved that weather is really possible to manage, it became curious: is it possible to cause a tsunami at the same time, typhoon, earthquake? It turned out, it is possible – anywhere and when whatever. It would seem that this is bad?
Nothing but gross interference in nature, fraught with absolutely unpredictable consequences.
Human genius is a dangerous thing: after all, an atom was created peaceful … During the experiments, the geophysical military-based weapons goals for processes occurring in solid, liquid and gaseous Earth shells. The capabilities of this weapon are truly enormous: with its with help you can not only program floods, typhoons, tornadoes and earthquakes in any region of the planet, not only completely paralyze civilian and military electronic tracking systems and management (including communications on a national scale), but also actively influence the psyche of entire nations.
Geophysical weapons are divided into meteorological, ozone and climatic. Using meteorological weapons, for example, in during the Vietnam War, heavy rains provoked difficult warfare and worsening local living conditions population. Climate weapons strike economy the enemy: temperature changes can destroy everything agricultural production of the country. Finally, ozone weapons destroys the ozone layer over enemy territory: and now the inhabitants of that or any other state without exception suffers and is ill under the influence of cruel ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
However, the worst thing is that geophysical weapons impossible to control, and thus it becomes dangerous not only for the country against which it is directed, but for the whole the planet as a whole. However, in the USA, Russia and a number of other countries secret tests are conducted, the consequences of which shock the whole The earth.
“Sura” – the mistress of the weather
In 1993, a military defector, KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin, giving an interview to one of the London newspapers, said that in the Soviet The Union was actively engaged in the development of geophysical weapons and their possible use. He said that most The experiments were aimed at creating earthquakes and tsunamis, that could strike the Pacific coast U.S.A. After all, even a very small underground a nuclear explosion can be organized so that it causes serious natural disasters many thousands of kilometers from it epicenter.
And not so long ago, the famous American meteorologist Scott Stephen put forward a very high-profile accusation against Russia. On his personal opinion, Katrina’s most powerful hurricane that hit New Orleans in 2005, created artificially by the Russian military weather control researchers. Steven claims that for a hurricane of such strength there were no visible reasons and premises. Moreover, it arose contrary to all known natural conditions of the origin of hurricanes. Meteorologist sure a similar phenomenon is associated with renewed tests in Russia a secret weapon that can influence dramatic weather changes. By According to Scott Stevens, since the days of the Soviet Union there are top-secret weather installations, which are able to provide pretty serious impact on the weather at almost any point of the globe.
In Russia, there really is a certain “weather” object known called “Sura”. It is located in the central strip of Russia, in quite deaf and quiet place, about 170 kilometers from the Lower Novgorod, and belongs to the Research Radiophysical Institute, which at one time was one of the leading research institutes of the Soviet Union. The installation is located in an area of approximately 10 hectares and represents long rows of twenty-meter antennas. In the center “Sura” is a huge emitter designed for studying acoustic processes in the Earth’s atmosphere.
“Sura” was developed as a research laboratory, which was supposed to significantly improve radio communications on a huge territories of the Soviet Union, as well as provide permanent observing a potential adversary. But the successes of Soviet scientists far exceeded expectations: already the results of the first tests made you seriously think about the real possibilities of the built installation. At the very beginning of the 80s. XX century, when no one the famous and top-secret facility only passed the first test tests, in the sky above it began to happen quite mysterious phenomena, which later became the main subject research. During the start-up of the installation, workers and scientists constantly observed in the sky a bright glow, small red outbreaks, a huge amount hovered over the territory of the institute dark silver balls. What exactly leads to such a violent reaction in the atmosphere? It never became public, but foreign scientists have long been associated with the actions of the “Surah” hardly if not all natural disasters that occurred in the world.
Russian installation is really capable of causing life natural disasters, heavy rains, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes similar in strength to Katrina and Rita. But today she it seems to be tested no more than a hundred hours a year. And it’s connected in mainly with a constant lack of funds to ensure uninterrupted power supply. Early conservationists however rejoice: at this time in America, tests are in full swing high-frequency emitters built according to a special program HAARP.
Pandora’s Box named HAARP
In the United States, the idea of developing a “weather” weapon began soar in the minds of the heads of government back in the 40s. XX century, but long time remained only on the papers of the military in the Pentagon. Missing initiative and frankly missed the breakthrough of the Soviet Union in this science field in the 1990s the US military in a hurry I had to correct the mistake.
A photo from open sources
In 1997, in the north of the USA – in Alaska – about 400 kilometers from Anchorage, at the Hakkon military base, was introduced in the most powerful radio electronic station HAARP to date – “Active high-frequency auroral research program area “Northern Lights” – with a powerful emitting system, capable of sending pulses up to 3.5 million watts. This top-secret facility occupied a huge section of the tundra, about 13 hectares. Now it is literally studded with 25-meter antennas – on at the moment there are 180, but this is not the limit. Place not selected randomly: since the Earth’s magnetic pole is shifted toward Alaska, HAARP turns out to be located under the very dome of the magnetosphere, so what else can you call strategic his position?
However, the Pentagon hastened to calm the world the public, assuring that HAARP is just research station whose goal is improvement of radio communications via satellites in orbit of the earth. But for some reason, the staff of an ordinary scientific station guarded by an order of magnitude more reliable than the White House, the Gakkon training ground turned out to be military, and the management of the station itself and the entire HAARP program carried out only by representatives of the naval and the United States Air Force? Moreover, to the landfill can only be accessed by special pass, which is impossible to obtain civilian scientist. Activity related materials research stations are also unavailable. Everything else in links to the famous events of September 11, 2001, around HAARP installed the Patriot missile defense system. Summarizing everything these facts, many considered them evidence that American the military conducts tests of powerful meteorological weapons, the consequences of which could cause irreparable harm to our planet and its population.
Numerous accusations were made, after which the American the military ceased to hide the capabilities of the system. Now they even them exaggerate, however, the genuine goals that HAARR faces, kept under the heading “secret.” However, most scientists in the world sure that the task of the project is to provide active influence and artificially change the state of the earth’s ionosphere by changing its chemical composition, which will undoubtedly lead to serious climatic disturbances. Also HAARP apparently should become the new US missile defense system (missile defense), and therefore its immediate (and perhaps already resolved) goal is block, if necessary, all world communications and military facilities.
Here’s how it should work. Above the ozone layer is fragile ionosphere – a gas layer enriched with electric particles called ions. HAARR focusing the shortwave radiation of all 180 antennas on the ionosphere, is able to heat it up to plasma formation – in other words, ball lightning – which can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas. The whole thing is that such experiments can easily destroy the ionosphere, the ozone layer and lose the atmosphere, which for the Earth is tantamount to death. To that again, geophysical weapons are akin to Pandora’s box – open easy, impossible to close. Nobody still knows – not scientists, neither politicians nor military – what will happen to our planet in the second after the operators turn on the installation.
Indeed, for today’s science, the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere Earths are too complex interconnected physical systems, and accurately simulate what a strong energy impact on them is impossible! It is possible that on widespread accidents in power grids and on oil and gas pipelines. Failure of computers controlling life support systems of megacities, can plunge cities into darkness and chaos. It cannot be excluded that the use of geophysical weapons will become a mechanism for triggering geological disasters. AND it’s very difficult to predict how this inevitably arises in this magnetic storms will affect the health of millions of people and state of nature. It is very likely that the first large-scale the use of geophysical weapons will end in planetary disaster …
However, they also understand this in Washington. Americans are afraid the possibilities of your own brainchild: research station at the training ground The gakkon has never worked at full capacity, and partial inclusion was carried out only two or three times. And apparently it was in 2002: almost all the spontaneous floods of Europe and powerful earthquakes in Asia coincide with the inclusion of “knife switch” in Alaska. As a result of the collapsing floods died several tens of thousands of people, and the area of flooded territories exceeded eight million square kilometers …
So geophysical weapons are a real threat to our Of the earth. Do its creators understand this? Maybe yes. However research is not going to curtail. Perhaps an earthquake on Haiti, and at the same time abnormally cold and snowy winters are another confirmation of this.
War Earthquake Time Iran Ozone Hole Peru Russia Snow USSR �USA HAARP