Ghost tram ride: one-way ticket end?..

Ghost tram ride: one way ticket? ..Photo from open sources

In Soviet times, three functioned in the city of Saratov tram depot. A few years after the collapse of the Lenin Union the depot was closed and by the beginning of the new century was abandoned. Alexander Sizarov, who lives in a remote area of ​​Saratov, used tram number 11 for trips to work and back. After the closure of the Lenin depot, this tram began to unfold near College of Geology – where its old ultimate was stop. Rails and wires leading from it to the depot gradually dismantled.

A photo from open sources

… Alexander had a very difficult working week, and by the end her boyfriend felt completely exhausted. Friday him also had to stay at work, and Alexander drove home half empty tram. He was quite happy with this, and by paying to the conductor, the guy got comfortable at the window and closed his eyes …

He woke up because he heard the car driver announcing in microphone end station. Alexander found himself in a tram for some reason the only passenger, even the conductor, was no longer there. Behind the windows are continuous darkness, which, however, is not surprising in late autumn evening. Leaving the car, Alexander waited until the tram will leave to go to the opposite side.

The tram turned out to be a ghost

But the tram left – and the guy froze in amazement. Instead final stop “geological college” he somehow ended up in an abandoned depot. Around were seen dilapidated buildings and sleepers scattered in a mess …

Alexander was really scared: how he managed to get to where I just couldn’t find myself, the rails are scattered and the wires were cut off! .. I thought about what I would say to the local watchmen or to the guards if he is detained. What did tram number 11 bring him here? Those, certainly decide that in front of them is an ordinary lover of light profit, for example, stealing and surrendering metal.

In a panic, Alexander swept over an abandoned depot, realizing however, that it is impossible to make noise – and at some point another thing happened miracle: the guy ran out onto a city street. Without thinking anymore about than, he read the sign on the nearest private house and by phone called a taxi. Until the car arrived, Alexander didn’t take a step walked away from the gate, fearing that he would again be “dragged” somewhere not there. These ten minutes before the taxi arrived seemed to him forever …

However, finding himself at home, safe, Alexander could not calm down and fall asleep. Instead, he spent the whole night in Looking for information about an abandoned tram line and ghost tram.

A photo from open sources

The next day, walking around the area, Alexander was convinced that it is absolutely impossible to get to the depot by tram, because the rails were absent, as were the tram poles that were enterprising Saratovites have long dragged away, adapting to their economic needs …

Alexander Sizarov never found a rational explanation for what happened to him, however, since then he never allows yourself fall asleep in public transport …

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