Gifts of the sages for a slim figure, beauty, health and youth

Gifts of the sages for a slim figure, beauty, health and youthA photo from open sources People from time immemorial seek the elixir of immortality and eternal youth. Alchemists, for example, did this. Middle Ages, many of which, despite all the skepticism modern science, have achieved their goal, however such a gift of heaven, naturally, could not be the property of all mankind.

That is why the elixir of youth still haunts people. IN The documentary project “Gifts of the Wise” many aspects of this inexhaustible topic are being considered. For example, what are Tibetan goji berries, and how do they preserve youth and masculine power. By the way, this is a miracle cure can easily replace the urological massage of Mirzakarim Norbekov, and especially coupled with the use of the Muscle Corset and achievements Octave state.

A photo from open sources

The film also addresses nutritional issues. For example, why the world’s elite doesn’t eat at all what is sold in shops and even the best oriental bazaars. Is not it green coffee makes a slim figure (note that in connection with natural elements this year, analysts predict that coffee will soon become a scarce and very expensive drink), and which all kinds of fashionable diets bring harm to the body.

But most importantly, the film reveals the secret of how you can lose weight without all efforts. And although the truth has long been known that without labor take out the most miserable fry from the pond, many continue to believe, that health, youth, beauty can be bought for money.


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