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Gizmodo reports that US environmentalists have discovered in The Gulf of Mexico off the coast of the United States is huge “dead zone”. In their opinion, this section of the bay, with an area of twenty three thousand square kilometers, deprived of oxygen, and because it became murderous for the underwater animal world.
Scientists see the cause of such an environmental disaster in a huge drain into the sea of agricultural waste across the Mississippi River. The emergence of “dead zones” in the Gulf of Mexico has become familiar a phenomenon, however, the new zone surprised and somewhat frightened ecologists, since it exceeds the limit once set Gulf Hypoxia Task Force Mississippi River) almost five times.
Why is the “dead zone” written in quotation marks? The point is explain scientists that she becomes dead only for the animal world: by cause of hypoxia (reduction of oxygen in water) fish and other marine the inhabitants cannot exist in such water and die quickly. A lack of oxygen occurs due to the ingress of water into the bay numerous biological wastes that cause massive algae growth. A death followed by decomposition of these water plants and leads to depletion of oxygen in the water.
A photo from open sources
Gulf Dead or Hypoxic Areas – Not unique, scientists say, in the world there are about four hundred, however, they are all small, that is, not even going to what a comparison with today’s disaster in America. Moreover, the water of the bay near the USA, they are demonstrating a growing expansion of such zones. Of course, Mississippi River May Contaminate Gulf Waters with Agricultural waste, but agriculture is not developing intensively only in the united states and rivers carrying biological waste with fields in the sea – everywhere the phenomenon in the world. And here are the big “dead zones “- a rarity for the seas and bays.
Conspirologists see the main reason for such a sad phenomena for the underwater world of the gulf of mexico not in agricultural waste, and in carnivorous bacteria, in particular Cynthia bacteria that American scientists synthesized in laboratories and then without any proper study of the consequences such a move, in 2010 released into the bay. Released to fight with oil, which due to an accident through the fault of the company “British Petroleum” spilled then in the Gulf of Mexico in huge numbers. Cynthia I soon realized that the animal underwater world is much “tastier” than oil, and therefore quickly switched to him. By the way, American scientists still have not found a way to deal with this carnivore bacteria, and therefore its triumphal procession in the Gulf of Mexico going on …
A photo from open sources