Gigantic iceberg will lead to climate disaster

A gigantic iceberg will lead to a catastropheA photo from open sources

American Space Agency Reconnaissance Aircraft discovered a large fault on the ice shelf in the Antarctic. World scientists have already sounded the alarm. According to their calculations, a giant crack nearly 115 kilometers long and more than 90 meters wide will result in a breakaway of a colossal iceberg with an area of ​​6.5 thousand square kilometers. This should raise the level of the oceans to critical mark, namely 80-90 centimeters.

Extremely dangerous fault cuts through the shelf almost to the entire depth and will soon stretch across its entire area. Researchers convinced that the breakaway piece of the ice sheet will subsequently melt due to global warming, and then the ocean will replenish with unprecedented volumes of water. Thus, a catastrophic flood scenario world melted polar caps, so beloved by science fiction writers of the last century, one can already say, is being implemented.

A photo from open sources

In the recent past, an ice shelf existed in Antarctica. Larsen, discovered in 1893 by a Norwegian whaling captain Karl Larsen Initially, the area of ​​this ice mass was comparable to the area of ​​Jamaica and consisted of three conventional parts: “A”, “B” and “C”. However, in the sixties of the last century due to the rise in temperature on Earth, the glacier began to melt inexorably, and today, only a piece of “C” is left of it. On it American scientists and found potentially disastrous for the planet fault.

A photo from open sources

By the way, in the video below you can see the destruction Pine Island Glacier Antarctic Glacier from October 2014 to September of this year, recorded by NASA’s satellite. In just two years several tens of square kilometers broke away from him. Other in a word, large icebergs are breaking away today from almost all glaciers. And one of these “uninvited guests” in the oceans will be a record iceberg that scientists have already nicknamed Goliath.

However, many ecologists and meteorologists argue that global warming can no longer be stopped, and further it will only get worse. Today experts do not believe their eyes, understanding how much the speed is melting glaciers ahead of their most pessimistic forecasts. However, some researchers, in contrast, believe that the temperature at Earth will become much lower in the future, because our planet, being living organism, decides to cool itself.

Icebergs Antarctica Global Warming

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