A photo from open sources
What is global dimming? If you have never heard of this natural phenomenon, we will clarify for you, for the first time about in 1985, the scholar Atsumu Ohmura (Atsumu Ohmura) from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Swiss Federal institutes of technology in Zurich and Lausanne).
The scientist warned that the Earth is approaching a gradual dimming, i.e. the level of sunlight in the next three decades will decrease by about 10 percent. Their Atsumu Ohmura published his observations on this subject in 1989, however, it soon turned out that he was not the only one who came to the same shocking conclusion. In the nineties, many scientists noticed that the level of sunlight on the planet as a whole is falling, and this is especially acute, for example, in the Arctic and Antarctic, say, residents of Ireland began to notice such a phenomenon at the end last century.
However truly worrying about global dimming scientists only scored in 2007 when researchers from Volcani The center of the Israeli city of Beit Dagan summarized all available on data and concluded on this issue – that’s right, just that sunless time awaits the Earth, and its inhabitants – serious problems with health, and not only. Israeli researchers agreed with the founder of the famous Weather Channel weather channel John Coleman, who promised to release this data, bring it to the general public.
A photo from open sources
But … John Coleman suddenly dies suddenly, without fulfilling of his word (the cause of his death is still not clear, why some conspiracy theorists concluded that John was simply removed so that he did not scare earthlings with these terrible scientific predictions).
10 years have passed: what do we have now
10 years have passed since the death of John Coleman, and only now in Global dimming has begun to pop up on the Internet, which is already difficult to hide from the general public. Take in As an illustration, this winter and in particular the past December. For example, in Brussels in the first month of winter the sun was observed a little more than 10 hours, which is why meteorologists in Belgium were forced to admit that it was the darkest winter month since 1887 (compare with more early period is simply not possible).
A photo from open sources
But what about Brussels, even if the southern French cities Marcel and Bordeaux, glorified as “solar traps”, received in December, respectively 26 and 10 hours of sunny weather instead the average is about 100 hours. And Muscovites, note, in in the last month of 2017, the sun was only 6 minutes against 18 hours in that distant 1985 …
Here’s how Roman commented on this sad phenomenon for Moscow. Wilfond from the meteorological division of Moscow State University:
It was the darkest month in all of our history. meteorological observations, it is not surprising that at this time Muscovites began to notice sharp mood drops, long periods depressions, and Moskovsky Komsomolets started talking about a surge in visits to psychiatrists …
What is the apocalypse approaching? Not excluded agree conspiracy theorists, however, it’s too early to draw conclusions, let’s see what we will present the summer of 2018, it is possible that alarm on occasion global dimming – another throw in order to intimidate earthlings, which in recent years have become increasingly exempt from zombies from the world elite and their scientists-minions. The too dark days of this winter could simply be used to invent for people (in particular, gullible residents of Europe) another horror story, because the previous ones, for example, about the end of the world, the attack of aliens, the approach of the planet Nibiru and so on, already does not work. And here – everything is foggy and vague, no specifics – you can panic from every cloudy day …
Time End of the World Moscow Sun