At the end of August 2011 on the US East Coast Hurricane Irene fell. Millionth most affected New York: airports and subways closed, dozens of buildings damaged, flooded entire neighborhoods. The metropolis has turned into ghost town: more than 370 thousand people were evacuated from it. The hurricane has become one of the strongest in history. USA. At this time, a group of American scientists involved in project “Global consciousness” (GCP), recorded another abnormal signal of a random event generator … GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS In 1998, a group of scientists at Princeton University created the Global Consciousness project. As part of this project on all over the world there are hardware random event generators, United via the Internet in a single network. In our country, sensors there are in Moscow and Vladivostok. Random event generator is a small box with a microcircuit that gives out every second packet of random data consisting of 200 bits and transmits them to server at Princeton University. There is a collection and analysis incoming data. The results of the experiment, which began at the end last century, amazing. Whenever it happens any event of a global scale, significant deviations from the average indicators. While working generator was recorded more than 200 deviations from the norm. The most strong fluctuations were observed during the tragic events in Beslan in September 2004, September 11, 2001 during a terrorist attack in the United States, in 2006 – during the devastating earthquake on the island Java. And at the end of August 2011 during the hurricane “Irene” the generator shook again. Photo from open source What’s the matter? Project Manager Dr. Roger Nelson explains the phenomenon as follows: “One gets the impression that the electronic system at such moments is in the power of a certain external power. We affirm that in the course of many years of observation recorded a phenomenon that does not have a materialistic explanations and can be construed as a manifestation of psychokinesis. ” STOP THE EARTH What happened is another reason to talk about such a poorly understood phenomenon as psycho- or telekinesis. Big interest in him arose in the late XIX – early XX century. In 1936 based on one of G. Wells’s short stories, the film “Man, who could work miracles. “The storyline is this. The gods complained to each other on stupidity, greed and treachery of people. But one god decided to prove to the rest that the person is not so bad, and provided unlimited possibilities for him. The luckier turned out to be lucky George Fotheringay. Suddenly he discovered that he could do anything: change color water, get out of nothing a wonderful lunch, conjure yourself diamonds. At first, the haberdasherman was amusing himself with a new gift, but gradually vanity and thirst for power prevailed. He wanted command nature itself! Fotheringay orders the earth stay. The planet obeys, but the whirlwinds raging on it and hurricanes lift people, houses, cars into the air and take everything to outer space. The haberdasher understands that he has gone too far and asks to return everything to their places. URI GELLER IN KNOCK OUT Surely most people would dream of moving objects alone by the power of thought, but is it possible? The most famous confrontation associated with telekinesis occurred in 1973 on the johnny show Carson. The famous Israeli psychic took part in it. Uri Geller and professional illusionist Amazing Randy. Photo from open source Uri Geller claimed he could bend spoons by the power of thought, and James Randy was engaged in exposing scammers, attributing extraordinary abilities to themselves. The most amazing thing that the three — Carson, Geller, and Randy — started the same way — like illusionists. Behind the scenes, Randy persuaded Carson to bring on Live your own spoons. Carson did just that. And when he Uri suggested bending the cutlery he had prepared, Geller, no matter how hard I tried, I could not repeat my own “feat”. But a little later the “unbending” spoons easily bent Amazing Randy, warning the audience in advance that this is not psychokinesis, but ordinary trick. Then, on the show, Randy offered a million dollars one who can convince the public of his skill to influence objects with the power of thought. 38 years have passed – and not a single one the psychic never got the coveted prize. TALENT ON REQUIREMENT During this time, they tried to solve the riddle of telekinesis non-governmental institutions and specially created parapsychological institutes. At the Rainbow Institute in Duke University under strict scientific supervision was conducted many experiments on telekinesis, but a specific result they did not give. Gertrude Schmeidler – President of the American Association parapsychology – for many years was interested in extrasensory perception, conducting endless research. She studied abilities of many famous mediums and magicians, but her experiments almost did not lead to anything. According to her, among the host she could not find a psychic who demonstrated would have their abilities on demand. By and large, only one experience can be considered a success. Gertrude placed in the room some tiny but pretty sensitive sensors temperature. One subject was able to raise a mental effort the temperature of one of the sensors is 0.1 degrees. Of course, even such a result is important, but I would like a real miracle … In 1979 the same Americans conducted the most thorough research telekinesis. Robert Jan, Dean of the School of Technical and Applied Sciences Princeton University, wanted to know whether it is possible with one force thoughts affect the outcome of random events. For 28 years (program was closed in 2007) thousands of experiments were conducted, including over 1.7 million tests. And what? Result confirmed the existence of telekinesis – only very weak. Photo from open sources In 1988, the US Army turned to the National research council requesting to study reports on paranormal abilities of some people. Military officials dreamed to see in their ranks supernatural people, such as can go out of the body, pass through walls, heal by force thoughts moving through the air. Not a single worthy candidate found! Army officials had to rely on military training of fighters. TELEKINESIS EXISTS! Despite disappointing results, ready to subscribe to this statement many major scientists. They simply assure us that we still know very little about the capabilities of the human body and the nature of many physical phenomena. Deviation from the norm in the operation of the random event generator during riots and natural disasters – superfluous to that evidence. But in the future, when it will be possible to curb telekinesis, it can be put, for example, at the service of people with disabilities opportunities. Telekinesis using radio or computer amplifier – this is the ultimate dream of specialists. Today they are work to ensure that at the request of a person on the screen of the device a certain type of wave pattern appeared. Received the image can be sent to a computer, which, according to program, will recognize the type of wave pattern and execute the appropriate command – turn on some device or start the engine. So – with the help of thoughts – paralyzed will be able to drive his own wheelchair. That is, each a patient confined to a wheelchair will become a “person which can work miracles. “It’s scary to even think what will happen capable healthy person! Uri Geller’s bent spoons seem children’s fun compared to the opportunities that open in front of each of us. Ksenia BROWN
Time Power of Thought USA Telekinesis Psychics