A photo from open sources
Analyzing the ground for twenty years in a unique lake Elgygytgyn (Chukotka), Russian researchers put humanity is at an impasse: they have come to the very opposite opinion, so common today in academia. Namely, ours the planet is waiting for global cooling.
Elgygytgyn Lake is unique in that almost four formed million years as a result of a meteorite fall, and its soil is a kind of “map” of ongoing climate change on Earth. A thorough analysis of these changes showed Russian scientists: humanity does not need to prepare for global warming, but to a cold snap.
Recall that most meteorologists in the world are inclined to believe that the greenhouse effect, which is increasingly felt on the planet, leads to sharp warming. For example, last year demonstrated unprecedented high temperature, which is almost a degree in Celsius exceeded the average. Moreover, the hottest years in the history of climate statistics again, the years of this century. And all fifteen without exceptions. Approaching global warming confirm many data during not only meteorological, but also oceanic, space exploration.
And who do you want to believe? ..
Global warming