Global warming significantly increase power consumption

Global warming will significantly increase energy consumptionA photo from open sources

As practice has shown, the hotter the weather, the more It requires electricity for cooling and air conditioning. If humanity will use fossil fuels for mining electricity, then a climate catastrophe will only accelerate its approximation.

Scientists believe that the main cause of global warming is increased energy consumption. But if you look at the other parties, then electricity costs increase with increasing average temperature. Boston University experts have already decided that climate change by mid-century will lead to growth energy consumption by 58%. And this is only the most pessimistic scenario.

Earlier, experts were sure that warming should reduce energy consumption due to reduced heating season. But when the experts reviewed the statistical models, they realized that were mistaken.

As it turned out, each region needed its own individual calculation. For example, in the tropics, an increase in temperature clearly increased power consumption. And in temperate latitudes a decrease in the heating season led to an increase use of air conditioners. For a more accurate calculation also changes in the population and its income in different regions.

So, comparing the data, scientists said that economic development by 2050 will increase demand for electricity almost tripled. And in the case of leaking Climate change results will be significantly higher.

If warming is moderate, consumption electricity will rise by 17%, and with rapid warming is expected growth up to 58%. Coming warming will entail an increase demand for electricity in many countries of the world. First of all this will happen in the tropical zones in the south of the usa, china and south Europe.

In Canada, Northern Europe, Russia, as well as in the northwestern United States electricity demand is likely to decline, but that’s not compensates for growth in other regions of the planet.

From here follows the main question: how will humanity meet global electricity needs warming? The main problem is that most electricity on earth is still mined by fossils resources.

Andrey Vetrov

Global warming Climate Russia USA

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