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Many species of plants and animals can be on the verge extinctions, if any soon will not be undertaken serious measures against global warming. If not take necessary measures, about half of the plants and a third of the animals will disappear in most places on our planet by 2080. According to Rachel Warren of the University of East Anglia, these losses could result to the local extinction of some species. In the course of the study, published May 12, scientists have studied the impact of global warming on fifty thousand different living organisms throughout to the world. The study used a computer model that calculated the displacement of various climatic zones, as well as possible effect of this process on animals and plants in a given region. In many cases, these changes can cause extinction of living things, as an increase in temperature can make animals and plants move in directions that may be dangerous to them. For example, according to Warren, animals can begin to move towards the oceans or mountain peaks, where they, driven one danger may not notice another. In his research Warren studied only the most common species, since for her the big picture was important. And if you take into account also endangered species, the situation becomes even more sad. The study also does not take into account the interaction of animals and plants, which can also affect the development of events. However, still It’s not too late to try to change something in this situation and try to prevent the mass death of representatives certain types. The study showed that if by 2017 emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere will be reduced by 60 percent, these losses can be avoided. Given that some species will be more resilient, Warren, however, recalls that in first of all, she wants to convey a message that global warming affects most of the living organisms on Earth. At she tries to avoid using such vivid examples population declines like polar bears or Ussuri tigers. If global warming cannot be slowed down, in nature there will be both winners and losers. But if negative processes can still be paused or slowed down, then losers in the race for survival will be much less.
Sergey Vasilenkov
Global Warming Plants