Gluteomorphine – an opiate in our beloved buns

Gluteomorphine - an opiate in our favorite bunsPhoto from open sources

Scientists have long been studying opiates that enter the human brain from certain proteins when our body processes food, rendering various negative effects on the work of the “biological computer. “But, it turns out, is the most dangerous for humans opiate – gluteomorphine, which is released during processing by our digestive tract wheat proteins and some other cereals.

How many words have been said about the dangers of white bread and other products on wheat flour, but it turns out that the main enemy is not hidden here in an abundance of carbohydrates, completely unnecessary in such a huge amount to the body, and in a by-product in the processing of gliadin protein – opiate gluteomorphine.

Scientists have paid attention, for example, to people suffering from schizophrenia. If their food is isolated from gliadin sources, then the psychological state of patients improves dramatically: disappear auditory and visual hallucinations, level decreases paranoid thinking and so on.

Doctor’s research is even more striking. Curtis Dohan, who watched the life of the poorest the population of the Solomon Islands and New Guinea, which before never used cereal products. But when they ran into Western food, in which the percentage of wheat was quite great then mental disorder among these people dramatically increased.

Scientists conclude that overeating (and with it obesity) modern man may well be associated with the emerging gluteomorphine addiction. As soon as it becomes not enough for a “normal” state, so the body again and again requires additional food, in particular, favorite buns and other cereal based foods is the most natural drug addiction.

By the way, sprouted wheat and other sprouted grains are not dangerous in this captivity. And you know why? It turns out only inability our digestive system to fully process cereal proteins lead to the formation of gluteomorphine. But the sprouted grains are absorbed by the human body easily and completely. And no no opiate is observed …

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