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According to dailycurrant, researchers from Harvard University announced today that they found what seems to be is the message of God recorded inside human genome.
In a little explored section of non-coding DNA, a team of facilitators geneticists discovered a 22-word fragment from the ancient Aramaic language in which God confirms his existence and role in creating life on earth. A stunning conclusion represents almost irrefutable evidence of the existence of God and his role in creating an evolutionary process through natural selection. Message was discovered when researchers noticed strange mathematical models that appear in a certain part genome. “We knew that models do not occur in nature,” – explains Charles Watson, lead scientist on the project, “but we don’t were able to come up with any convincing explanation for them. “We decided cross-reference pattern links with a database for languages, “he explains,” and we were shocked to find that the patterns found in DNA correspond to the ancient Aramaic language. ” Stunned by their discovery, the team contacted experts, familiar with the Aramaic language that Jesus Christ spoke in Everyday life. A fully decoded message reads: “Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true God. You found the secret of creation. Now share it calmly with the world. “Yahweh is the biblical name for the Judeo-Christian god. The results of the study will be published in the journal “Nature” in next month, and is expected to provoke the largest scientific controversy since Charles Darwin published his theory natural selection in 1859. “This does not mean that the theory evolution is not true, “says Watson.” It is simply not complete. It seems that the Judeo-Christian God was indeed at the forefront process. “And instead of just telling us about the natural selection, he left a hidden record that we could find 200,000 years later when we invented the right technology. It’s really makes a lot of sense. “Prior to this discovery, I was a convinced atheist. Now I am a devout Christian. This is exactly the kind of evidence which I needed to dispel my doubts. “In addition to deep impact on science, the news will revolutionize the world comparative religion.
DNA Life Evolution