God lives in another universe

A photo from open sources

Scientists at Cambridge and Princeton Universities spoke with a sensational statement: they say, “Big Bang”, thanks which the Universe supposedly arose from emptiness, was preceded “Big splash.” And it happened in a certain multidimensional space – not with three, as we have, but with eleven dimensions, six of which are folded into microscopic threads. The energy of this the surge spawned the Big Bang. And he, in turn, visible matter and time. Our Universe has appeared, which is now “neighbors” with the one – “maternal” and invisible. There is even the hypothesis that there – in the “looking glass” – and the Higher Mind is located. That is God. Really ?! For comments we turned to astrophysicist Vladimir Lipunov. Neither top nor bottom. They don’t even suspect that there is a concept of “top” or “bottom”. Three-dimensional a “god”, for example, can press a “flat” with a finger. And thats nothing will understand. It just freezes in place. And you can even remove it with the plane. And the figure will disappear from its world. To extreme surprise surrounding. “Agree,” the professor continues, “and in our three-dimensional world lacks inexplicable phenomena. Are they hidden reasons in a parallel universe? If so, then we must admit that there is still some dimension. And come up with some cosmic The controller who controls us. By the way, hypotheses about parallel worlds put forward and our compatriots. Among them academician Moses Markov. He believed that there are several worlds that are far apart friend on time quanta in which successively occur identical processes. And therefore, if you learn to “move” from the world into the world, you can visit your past and future. Other Russian scientist, professor at the Pulkovo Observatory Nikolai Kozyrev, argued that there are universes parallel to ours, and there are tunnels between them – “black” and “white” holes. By black holes from our universe goes into parallel worlds of matter, and by “white” from them energy comes to us. However, the idea of the existence of a parallel world owns a man from time immemorial times. Some researchers believe that Cro-Magnons are still believed that the souls of deceased fellow tribesmen and those who died on hunting animals go precisely to these worlds, which is reflected in their drawings. What happened to the Big Bang – Physicists circumvented another 30 years ago side the question “What happened before the Big Bang?”. Because not They knew how to answer it. Now in connection with the hypotheses multidimensional spaces you can at least make assumptions. I, for example, almost one hundred percent sure that there is a five-dimensional the universe in which there is a certain membrane – elementary “brick” of the universe. And if there, in the fifth dimension, this membrane once trembled, this led to the emergence in our the three-dimensional space of the bubble, which we call the “Big explosion. “And what do” five-dimensional creatures “or, if you want, the gods see? They observe that in a certain universe, something shakes and flat – in their understanding – space, a ball appears, which expands, and as a result, the Milky Way arises. By the way, our the galaxy vibrates like an eardrum. Maybe gets some signals from their “owners”? That light is near – For lately astronomers have lost sight of thousands of comets and not can understand where they went, ”says Vladimir Mikhailovich. – It is possible that the reason for the mysterious disappearance comets, as well as the remains of the Tunguska meteorite and a number of other cosmic bodies crashed into the Earth, lies precisely in the existence of an exotic “mirror substance” in the universe, which can be one of the components of dark matter. By the way thanks to her, ball lightning and even ghosts may appear. At least such an assumption was recently made by a physicist, a doctor Robert Foote from the University of Melbourne. – If the mirror substance exists in reality, then there must also exist mirror stars, mirror planets, and even mirror life, – explained Dr. Foote. – Many evidence speaks in favor of that our planet is often bombarded by bodies consisting of a mirror substances causing strange events. For example, no one’s explosion discovered Tunguska meteorite in the Siberian taiga in 1908. Or an incident in Jordan in April 2001. Then around one hundred witnesses of the mourning procession observed a balloon that flew on low altitude, leaving a smoky mark, then divided into two and crashed with an explosion into a hill at a distance of approximately one kilometer. Astronomers found no crater, no fragments meteorite – only traces of scorched earth and burnt trees. Theorists suggest that each elementary particle has its own mirror partner. But usually invisible. Only people with hypersensitive psyche – psychics – can feel mirror matter physically by the energy surge from it interactions with our world. Quote to topic: “God is great architect “. (Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, historian, culturologist.) Literally Statements of scientists about the Creator Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727), physicist and mathematician: “The wonderful arrangement of space and harmony it can only be explained by the fact that space was created according to plan omniscient and omnipotent being. Here is my first and last word. “Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882), natural scientist:” Explain the origin of life on earth only by chance – it is as if explained the origin of the dictionary by the explosion in the printing house. Impossibility recognition that a marvelous peace is with us ourselves as conscious creatures, arose by chance, seems to me the most important proof of the existence of God. The world rests on patterns and in its manifestations appears as a product of the mind – this indicates on its Creator. “Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895), chemist, biologist:” More the day will come when they will laugh at the stupidity of modern us materialistic philosophy. The more I study nature, the more I stop in awed amazement before the works of the Creator. I pray during my lab work. “Max Planck (1858 – 1947), physicist: “Both religion and science in the final as a result, they seek the truth and come to the confession of God. First represents Him as the foundation, the second as the end of all phenomenal view of the world. “Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), physicist: “Every serious natural scientist should be somehow a religious person. Otherwise, he is not capable of himself imagine those incredibly subtle interdependencies that he watches, invented not by him. In the infinite universe is found the activity of the infinitely perfect Mind. Regular view about me as an atheist is a big mistake. If this performance is gleaned from my scientific work, I can say that my work is not understood … In vain in the face of disasters of the XX century, many lament: “How did God allow?” Yes, He allowed: allowed our freedom, but did not leave us in the darkness of ignorance. The path of knowing good and evil indicated. And the man himself had to pay for the choice of false Ways. “Werner von Braun (1912 – 1977), physicist, one of founders of astronautics, head of the American space program: “I can not understand a scientist who is not would recognize the Higher Mind in the whole system of the universe, as well as I could not understand a theologian who would deny the progress of science. Religion and science are sisters. “From a lecture by neurophysiologist John EKLZA (b. 1903) at the time he received the Nobel Prize: “I forced to think that there is something like supernatural the beginning of my unique, self-conscious spirit and my unique souls … The idea of ​​supernatural creation helps me avoid obviously absurd inference about the genetic origin of my unique “I”. Andrei Sakharov (1921 – 1989), physicist: “I can’t imagine the universe and human life without some meaningful beginning, without a source of spiritual “warmth” lying outside matter and its laws. Perhaps this feeling can be called religious. “By the way, invisible people are talking to astronauts The fact that someone “lives” in space is proved by the stories of some astronauts. This is what the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences told us Sciences, Professor Kirill Butusov, who worked in the Department of Radio Astronomy The main astronomical observatory in Pulkovo, and now Lecturer at the Department of Physics, Academy of Civil Aviation: – Sometimes the “effect of someone’s presence” arises in orbit. In at some point the astronaut suddenly feels that someone is invisible looks into his back with a very heavy look. And then the invisible the creature makes itself felt – a whisper is heard. “Text” sounds somewhere in the depths of consciousness something like this: “You are too early and wrong came here. Believe me, for I am your ancestor. Son you shouldn’t be here be, return to Earth, do not violate the laws of the Creator. “And often for “Authenticity” The voice tells another small, famous exclusively to the family of the astronaut a story associated with this ancestor. In addition, some astronauts have strange visions and sensations that suddenly “switch” his consciousness. For the first time about this phenomenon reported at the International Space Institute anthropoecology in 1995, test cosmonaut Sergey Krichevsky. According to him, many, for example, unexpectedly left their familiar human image and literally transformed in some animals! For example, one colleague told Krichevsky about “Staying” in the form of … a dinosaur. Moreover, he felt himself walking on some planet, overcoming ravines and abysses. Cosmonaut described “his” paws, scales, membranes between fingers, huge claws. With the skin of his back, he felt the horn plates rise. on the ridge. It happened that a person turned into a different person and could to be even an alien. Moreover, it’s as if “Connected” to a certain information source and received from it warnings, for example, about impending emergency situations. Opinion skeptic Nobel laureate Vitaly Ginzburg: – Faith or, on the contrary, atheism is an intuitive concept. Nothing here prove mathematically. I do not in any way believe that faith in God is incompatible with science. But you just need to clearly distinguish religion and faith in “something outside of us that cannot be reduced to nature. “This cannot be refuted, but I do not share this point. view. I absolutely do not need this, unverifiable and does not give anything. This is the reduction of something unknown to another unknown. A completely different thing is religion, that is, following some kind of denominations. As you know, in Christianity, Judaism and Islam believe that there is an active God and that he intervenes in the affairs of people, and this is called theism. I believe theism is completely incompatible with the scientific worldview. Christian believes in holiness Bibles, to the Immaculate Conception and Satan, and these are all miracles that contrary to science. When religions began, the state of science was such that one could believe in the Immaculate Conception … Einstein emphasized that he does not believe in God, who governs the affairs of people, but to something higher, to God Spinoza, and this is nature. Well, call God nature, it is a matter of terms. And if there is God, why is he allows such wild things – genocide, murder? Where is the logic? I do not I understand how a person can believe in the almighty God who it puts up with everything. But honestly, I envy the believers. To me almost 90 years, I am a sober person and I understand that I can at any time die. You can get sick, suffer, and I have a family. If I was a believer, it would be easier for me, I would be glad about it … Instead afterwords Cosmonaut George Grechko: – I am sure that in There is a different mind in the universe, more developed than ours. Now I am seriously studying the history of mankind and conclude that even on Earth there have always been parallel civilizations – the Celts and Druids, Egyptians and their priests. I think Someone gave us a boost in development, helped artificially get around chimpanzees in intelligence. And by in relation to us, he, of course, was God, really created us by its image and likeness.

Time Universe Life Parallel Worlds Einstein

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