Going to the doctors has become even more dangerous

Going to the doctors has become even more dangerous.A photo from open sources

However, people who maintain a healthy lifestyle claim life, doctors should generally be consulted as little as possible. The famous Russian surgeon Nikolai Amosov (the doctor himself) emphasized that he’s more afraid of falling into the hands of doctors: first, they’re In most cases, the diagnosis of the disease is incorrect, and secondly, even having normally determined the disease, they will treat you certainly wrong.

But that was earlier, the other day the American CDC (Control Center diseases in the country) made a report saying that infection with the deadly bacterium Clostridium difficile occurs only in medical facilities. Moreover, if previously thought, that only stationary hospitals are involved in this, today CDC experts determined – C.Diff can even be picked up at the dentist.

Clostridium difficile, entering the human body, begins destroy all beneficial bacteria in the intestine, as a result of which the patient’s immunity decreases and all kinds of problems begin with health, most often fatal. And herself C.Diff is so tenacious that it is not afraid of gel and other detergents facilities.

The most favorable for her becomes acceptance by a person antibiotics that disrupt the intestinal microflora, after which Clostridium difficile can almost unhindered multiply.

American CDC experts recommend that doctors use gloves and other personal protective equipment, as well as being more responsible when prescribing antibiotics to patients. But all this, as you yourself understand, is a dead poultice, especially in Russia …

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