Gravity is to blame: meteorologists have revealed the main reason for the cold summer

Gravity is to blame: meteorologists have revealed the main reason for the cold summerA photo from open sources

It’s all about gravitational impact. Roshydromet employee Nikolay Sidorenko said that the cold weather in the European part Russia is associated with the gravitational impact of the moon on the Earth.

The expert said that everyone knows that the gravitational connection The Earth and the Moon are capable of causing tides in the oceans. Exactly the same interaction is exerted by the moon on the so-called “fifth ocean “- the atmosphere of the planet.

The meteorologist believes that the lunar cycle directly affected violation of the seasonal course. If so, theoretically warming in Russia will be in only three months – in October-November 2019. This time should become very warm in Russia.

The expert also explained that the moon has its own cycles. Through every four years the lunar phases are reversed, i.e. the full moon go instead of the new moon.

When a new moon arrives, the moon is between the earth and The Sun, and when the full moon between the Sun and the Moon turns out to be the earth. This affects the configuration of gravitational forces, what can be observed on weather changes – every eight years she becomes cold or abnormally hot.

Andrey Vetrov

Gravity Moon Russia Sun

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