Great and free healers – trees

Great and free healers - treesPhotos from open sources of

In ancient times, people treated trees as a different race, a different civilization, which they worshiped. For example, if in a family a girl was born, at the time of her birth in a pot planted myrtle tree. A grown up girl should have looked after him so that the energy of the tree subsequently helps her in various life situations. Also used zodiac trees – those that matched a person by his zodiac sign.

Trees – Donors and Vampires

Each of us can also find our “personal” green patron saint. To do this, you need to take an ordinary foil and, going to any tree, pat it with your fingernail. If the foil sticks to your hand – it means the tree does not suit you. If she reach for tree bark – that means this tree is yours.

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Trees “work” like human hands: energy alone delay, others add. Accordingly, there are donor trees and vampire trees. To understand who is in front of you, it follows, tightly leaning against the trunk, stand for several minutes. And if you felt surge of energy, then a donor gave them to you. If, on the contrary, weakness, dizziness, headache and other unpleasant symptoms, then the vampire tried. Donors are oak, cedar, spruce, pine, birch, apricot, vampires – poplar, aspen, alder.

However, one should not be afraid of vampire trees, as help such plants are also required by humans for treatment. If you not healthy, first you need to talk with a vampire who removes all your negative energy, and only then recharge with positive energy from the donor. To be treated like this way best in spring when the trees are blooming.

Let’s see what trees have what properties

Oak is a very strong tree, a conductor that connects us with this world and the entire universe. If it’s difficult for you make contact with people if new friends, barely appearing, immediately disappear somewhere, plant an oak next to your house. However keep in mind that this tree is not very suitable for women, because makes them too strong, and such ladies men, as a rule, do not favor. But the oak tree favors the birth of the strong and healthy children. Oak round wood (sections from large branches) is applied to the body during heart failure, for example, with arrhythmia. And attached to nape or to the forehead, they give clarity and strength to our thoughts.

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Lime tree well relieves a person of weakness and decline forces, revives his interest in life, gives inspiration, stimulates the thought process. If the child begins to perform under fake homework, his studies will be very successful.

Birch consoles and supports us, in bitter moments makes it easier heartache. If you are haunted, if one after another adversity is pouring in, embrace a birch, please feel it, express everything that pent, and leaving, be sure to put a small coin near birch trunk. This tree helps treat various female diseases. For example, with mastopathy, birch roundwood is useful apply to the chest, and in the case of uterine fibroids – to the lower abdomen. To defeat cervical osteochondrosis will help the birch wrapper, wrapped in a soft cloth and laid under the neck for the night.

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Chestnut is very interesting, which, unlike most trees, does not change the human biofield, but “patches” it and while cutting off all sorts of vampiric bindings. That’s why use chestnut flowers and fruits in order to protect themselves from the evil eye and spoilage. This tree also helps with polyarthritis, in this case it Kruglyash put on a sore spot (you can fix adhesive tape).

Continuing our acquaintance with the healer trees

The pine, like the sun, warms everyone, gives everyone strength and joy, helps to overcome a mental crisis. If you have depression, if nothing pleases, but everything just annoys, stand by pines fifteen – twenty minutes, breathe it with a resinous aroma – and you will feel relief.

The apple tree arouses sensuality in women. In sunny warm lie down for half an hour a day under the canopy of this tree – and your spouse will be very pleased (by the way, this applies to mature women). In young girls, the apple tree gives birth to a sensation of its feminine attractiveness, but yoke should stay away from her away.

Spruce is very favorable for the human biofield: it is powerful in it nourishes and at the same time eliminates all kinds of clamps and blocks. It is especially helpful for people who have had a stroke to communicate with this tree. or a heart attack suffering from cardiovascular disease.

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Aspen is addressed if it is necessary to throw it off your shoulders. heavy load of problems. She will “pull out” negative energy from you, relieve the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and if necessary – help forget the person. However, you can only communicate with this tree in the first half of the day, and no more than ten minutes. Aspen resolves bruises on the body and muffles toothache. With headache pain arising from high blood pressure, it is useful to attach the aspen roundish to the back of the head. However long contact with this tree is fraught with a headache for a person, depression, drowsiness, nausea, and dizziness. In the evening to Aspen is generally better not to approach: it will suck all your strength out of you.

Kruglyash from poplar is applied to the stomach for diseases of organs digestion. They also help with headaches and pain in joints.

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A good mood and joy gives us a maple. This is a tree relieves from daytime fatigue, nervous tension and excessive aggression. If you put maple leaves in a vase, they will protect peace and harmony in your home.

Sea buckthorn is a plant with a powerful healing effect. It is useful in case of loss of strength, melancholy, depression. Sea buckthorn gives a person a good mood and gives him vivacity. To that who is able to control their own emotions, she brings getting rid of ailments. Seek help from a tree, whose age exceeds five years, since the young tree will save you at the cost of his own life …

Make friends with the trees!

Arriving in a forest or park, you should choose a tree that has a flat trunk and standing alone. Turn your back on him and sit down so that your spine is in contact with trunk, and his hands were on his knees. You can communicate with a tree and standing, touching his back and back of the head (hands in this case, one on the other lie on the lower back). If you want to improve performance heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestines, normalize temperature and increase the overall tone of your body, become so to touch the tree with the chest and stomach. If you “hug” the trunk legs (put them on both sides of it), you can restore nervous system, normalize blood pressure, cure kidney disease and sciatica.

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Get well: with our green doctors do it like this nicely!..

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