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The Great Barrier Reef is the largest on the planet coral formation. It is located in the Coral Sea and totals over two thousand nine hundred coral reefs and nine hundred islands. Its length is two thousand five hundred kilometers, and the area – over three hundred forty-four thousand square kilometers, which is more than the area of Great Britain. In the south parts of the width of the reef reaches one hundred fifty-two kilometers.
This colossal natural object formed by coral polyps, visible even from space. He supports the lives of several thousand species of marine plants and animals. Alone species of fish there are more than one thousand six hundred. In the waters The Great Barrier Reef is inhabited by whales and dolphins, including killer whales. There is also a whale shark, which is the largest on Earth. sea predator. Reef islands are habitat and breeding six of the seven endangered species extinction of sea turtles. In addition, they find refuge here. over two hundred and forty species of birds.
A photo from open sources
And all this natural diversity can be said to have sunk into to fly. Famous scientist and traveler Rowan Jacobson, explored the Great Barrier Reef for the last three decades, made a terrible discovery. According to a specialist, a multi-billion population of coral polyps has died and the reef ceased to be a living creature, turning into limestone skeleton.
This statement shocked ecologists, oceanologists and ordinary people. people from all over the planet.
The researcher even compiled a sentimental obituary, which begins with the words: “In 2016, as a result of a serious illness Great Barrier Reef in Australia passes away. He was only twenty-five million years, and he could have lived as much if not more. Many wonderful things have happened in the life of the deceased. events, and he himself was a wonderful friend to thousands of animals and plants, as well as humans. We will miss him very much. ”
What killed the Great Barrier Reef?
Rowan says that by the end of the twentieth century the state The Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated significantly. Despite the fact that activists did their best to attract the attention of the world the public to his extinction, failed to save the reef. Global warming and disgusting ecology have done their job. Coral began to rapidly fade, and the once picturesque underwater world turned into a real cemetery. Plants also died, and almost all animals left this place. Only a few marine life continue to swim among dead corals, but soon there is no will be theirs. In a word, a terrible tragedy!
A photo from open sources
In the incident, Jacobson blames the Australian authorities and in general humanity that has turned out to be indifferent to dying so a majestic and beautiful ecosystem.
Many world scientists have accepted this statement with hostility. By their Rowan says he’s too pessimistic and deprives people of hope for the best. Experts suggest that the Great Barrier Reef may future recover. In response, Jacobson reports: “And how he will recover when no one is going to fight global warming and oceans pollution? it tantamount to hammering a person half to death and, not stopping beating, expressing hope that he may still be condemned and will live. ”
A photo from open sources
It is noteworthy: in the wake of this event, the PRC government decided pay Australia a forty million dollars fine for being in 2010, a major Chinese cargo ship came across the Great Barrier reef and destroyed part of it. The Chinese refused to acknowledge for six years their guilt, but now, apparently, they realized that for their misconduct is better reply. It is a pity that all these millions are unlikely to help the deceased reef and its former inhabitants.
A photo from open sources
Australia Global Warming Life China Plants