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After death, people continue to sort things out and fall in love lovers tickle nerves remember how looking the film “White Noise”, they were afraid to pick up the phone and see interference on the TV screen: suddenly voices from the afterlife burst into the air. The plot of the thriller is absolute mysticism, but there is enthusiasts claiming to establish a connection with the “other world” is quite really. In their archives – thousands of votes belonging to the departed to people. Special equipment helps to catch messages from “subtle world.” Artem Mikheev tried to record electronic voices from another world ten years ago. I read literature – many scientists have argued: human existence does not cease with the death of his physical body. Today Associate Professor of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, candidate of physical and mathematical Artyom Mikheev, Head of the Russian Association instrumental transcommunication (RAIT). – The voices that have come through a tape recorder, radio and specially designed devices, identified themselves with people who lived on Earth in a physical body, now residing in other dimensions, ”says Artem Valerevich. – I can give examples as a connection with the “subtle world” works in everyday situations. My friend’s friend, let’s call him Anatoly, a relative has disappeared. Anatoly asked me to check with my interlocutors on the other side, is she alive. I asked a question – a clear answer came: “We don’t have it.” It turned out the woman was lying in hospital, but didn’t tell anyone about it. Another example. In 2009 we were asked to help in the investigation of the Moscow plane crash – Perm, which occurred on September 14, 2008. Experts claimed that crew commander Rodion Medvedev was drunk. I had a session. In touch a voice came out who introduced himself as Rodion and said that the pilot was not drunk. Literally: “Rodion is here,” “Drinking – not a minute, you hear!”, “Of course not, I’m not drunk,” “I touched the transition zone – I wanted to plant it.” – How to distinguish voices from another world from radio interference? – Voices “from there” they turn directly to the interlocutor, often call his name, answer questions that no one else can hear. Interlocutors from another world often use slang, not characteristic for ordinary speech, rearrange words. Spectral characteristics their voices are different from our usual sounds. – When the dead do people become “available”? – Another world is divided into levels in dependence on the development of consciousness, and not every person can be available for contact. Especially good are people which were close during life. Session Questions are asked out loud, you can contact the person you are mentally or emotionally. – Who is the initiator of the trans-telecommunication? In film “White noise” the departed tried to warn loved ones about the danger. – The phenomenon of telephone calls from departed people is well studied abroad. I he himself witnessed this. My friend’s girlfriend was incurably is sick. The girls agreed: if misfortune happens, the deceased in any way will let you know if there is life after death. She died in the fall. At the beginning of next year, SMS began to come from her number. The first ones were empty, then one thing was displayed on the screen many times the word: “Yes!” My friend called the daughter of the deceased – she said that no one touched the phone after leaving his mother. And here is an example when we contacted ourselves. February 12, 2012 was information about the death of singer Whitney Houston. I asked a question from one of the groups, with which we are contacting, her call sign is “This.” The male voice answered: “The lady was feeling unwell. Drugs!” And six months later, this reason voiced as the main one. – What do you call otherworldly interlocutors – “perfume”? – The most accurate definitions – “disembodied interlocutor”, “communicator”, “inhabitant” of the thin of the world. “A person who has moved to another world retains memory, consciousness and identity. The fact of the existence of disembodied individuals in an invisible spectrum established by science at the beginning of the XX century. -Is it realistic to see a “contactee”? – Video images from another world on many Western researchers recorded the TV screen – Klaus Schreiber (Germany), Maggie and Jules Harsch-Fischbach (Luxembourg). Designed by my like-minded spectrographic communication method allows you to see the “thin world” and its representatives on the monitor a computer. – Negotiations with “that world” are not dangerous? – Our world populated by people with different intellectual, moral and ethical level of development. It is unlikely that another world in this sense is very different. The main precaution is to be picky about who to talk to, who to trust. Such practice may be conditionally dangerous only for mentally unstable individuals. Especially those who are heartbroken. Pursuing transcommunication, you need to overcome internal obstacles, do not give vent to feelings. By the way, the negative plot, described in the movie “White Noise” has little to do with reality. In the practice of transcommunication, tragic stories almost unknown. Transcommunication is a positive science, allowing a person to know his spiritual, immortal nature and the world. – And yet honestly: it’s not scary to bring it to your ear turn on the phone and turn on the computer? – Antidote against fear is knowledge. Before contacting you should read non-fiction, not scooping “knowledge” from Hollywood thrillers. Officials are not allowed into the afterlife – Artem, well tell me how is it there? Where do people live, what do they eat, what do they do? Love each other? Are dying? I asked my main questions. It’s interesting … – “The Subtle World” is a world of consciousness and thoughts, not matter, explains Mikheev. – What is the reality of man he will model, he will receive that. Honestly, the “household” side of things is not me very busy. But I had a chance to communicate with the professor of VNII geophysical methods of oil and gas exploration, doctor of technical Sciences Vsevolod Zaporozhets – the legendary man in the scientific circles. So VEMZ, as his colleagues called, got in touch with with the help of mediums and from her words gave his description life “there.” The inhabitants of the “subtle world” are aware of their physicality and able to enjoy life. Falling in love and love persist or regained, but devoid of sexuality, although different from friendly feelings. There is no procreation. Nutrition for Life not required, but for pleasure some eat fruit growing here in abundance. Spirits do not need a dream. Other details of the existence of “there” were given in 1986 by Maggie Harsh-Fischbach and her husband Jules from Luxembourg. During a tape session on they recorded the voice of a woman scientist from the other world by named Sven Salter. I can quote her story: “Doesn’t exist here diseases, lost limbs regenerate. Bodies mutilated on Earth, restored. We live in nicely furnished homes. Our food is produced synthetically. The meat we eat – only the reproduction of matter, not a single animal dies. The average age of people living here is from 25 to 30 years. The deceased on Earth in old age wake up in full consciousness after restoring sleep. Children are accepted relatives here, they grow and develop until the age of 25-30 age. The ambient temperature here is very pleasant, beautiful landscapes, as on Earth: forest, mountains, sea. Animals also continue to live after death. Personality and character arriving here people do not change. However psychological problems and conflicts and not yet resolved here. Many of those who possessed power on Earth and power, do not find their way. Some of them are not suitable. our world, and we are forced to send them to Earth. Others here do manual work, work in the mountains and on farms. “Others important details I found in the book of the writer, president of the Society Glasgow Arthur Findlay Psychic Research (1883 – 1964) “On the threshold of the invisible world”, which translated: “Here they speak different languages, but information is transmitted directly from mind to mind. There is no decomposition. There is a phenomenon similar to the fact that you call death. Over time, as we develop, we move into another plane from which it is not so easy to return to Earth. we call it “transition.” Those who went through this can come back and visit our world. This is what the Bible calls “second death.” Help The first “paranormal” voices were recorded in 1938 on the phonograph, and since the 1950s – on tape recorders. Later, communication with deceased people was established by radio, telephone, television, through answering machines, faxes and computers. These contacts called instrumental transcommunication (ITC). Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (RAIT) was established in 2004 year. Where the soul flies Scientists doing research in the field of quantum physics, explained why people who survived clinical death, see a black tunnel with light at the end. They are believe that these paintings are born at the moment when the soul leaves the nervous system and enters the Universe. Formerly dying visions were explained by the reaction of the brain to oxygen starvation. According to of the new theory, the human soul is contained within special structures – microtubules or microtubules located in the brain cells. The characteristic paintings that a dying person sees are explained the effect of quantum gravity in microtubules. Enclosed in them information is not destroyed – it slowly leaves the body and returns to space. What you need to go in parallel world 1. Turn on the computer with a sound card and audio editor, put on the headphones. 2. Download sound blanks on the RAIT website “EGF.RF” or turn on the short-wave receiver after 21.00, tune in between two or more foreign stations. 3. Ask a Question. This can be done not only during the session, but on the eve and after it or in advance to write in a notebook. 4. get together with thoughts. Important is the desire to hear the voice of a loved one’s, cheerful, not a drowsy state. Additional attributes: candles, icons, photographs, personal items, darkness, prayers are not required. 5. Cast off fear. The opinion that “the dead cannot be disturbed” is mistaken, – Our relatives from the “subtle world” want to communicate. Wang’s After a meeting with Wang, a neurophysiologist and a neurosurgeon Natalia Bekhtereva wrote: “The example of Vanga absolutely convinced me in that there is a phenomenon of contact with the dead. ” work “Brain Magic and the labyrinths of life” N. P. Bekhterev noted: “So, whether a body lives without a Soul is clear only in relation to called biological life. At least in part – not lives. But the Soul lives without a body – or lives what can be correlated with the concept of the Soul. “Nina ALEKSEEVA
Wang Life Time